Change around you for good by Alex
Alexof West Chicago's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest
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Change around you for good by Alex - December 2016 Scholarship Essay
I would take my personal growth in the last four years as my biggest accomplishment in life. I never expected that through school and extracurricular activities, I had developed some of the most important social and life skills in that time. I realized that even through small acts of kindness, I could provide support and care to those around me. To me, an accomplishment is something that benefited not just me but people around me as well.
The most notable accomplishment through high school for me has been standing up to a friends bully. You always learn in class how you should stand up to bullies and help others but in today's society most bullies are through social media or just private attacks. Me personally have never actually seen a real bully except when one my friends who has aspergers can be a little different but that's what makes everyone special. I caught a kid making fun of the way he looked and talked and I felt in that moment so angry just instantly like a volcano erupted in me that these kids have the audacity to bully someone who is disabled. I immediately told the kids to back off or I’ll make sure the principal punishes them. I obviously did not instigate any sort of violence but got a nearby teacher's attention and made sure the kid learned their lesson and how bullying is a serious issue and can lead to some people to self harm and suicide. I have had lots of academic and other activity success in school but this one stands out to me because as stated earlier a real win for me is if the people around me are affected and knowing that I stood up for him will give him hopefully more confidence in school and life. This is one of the many important memories I have had in school but this one is way up on this list.