Together We Will by Alexis
Alexis's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2020 scholarship contest
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Together We Will by Alexis - August 2020 Scholarship Essay
In the United States there are approximately 5,300 colleges and universities, ranging from public colleges to single-sex colleges. My dream college is right in my home state less than an hour from the place I call home. Michigan State University is my dream college due to its distinct characteristics which differ from alternative schools in close proximity. These characteristics that I will address make MSU superior to all other universities that appeal to me.
To illustrate their broad assortment of academics, Michigan State University offers over 200 academic programs and 34 graduate and undergraduate programs, which allows students to consider numerous majors. MSU is also one of the top research universities in the world, this hands-on approach enhances learning and critical thinking. I am interested in studying Human Biology and pursuing a career in the medical field, Biological and Biomedical Sciences being one of their top majors allows for the perfect opportunity for students like myself. MSU contains twenty seven residence halls that are grouped into five neighborhoods to best access a full range of programs. The academic organization benefits the students immensely due to the extensive campus.
In addition to Michigan State's exceptional academic history, the campus is astounding. Located in East Lansing, three miles east of Michigan’s capital and stretching 5,300 acres. This campus contains 563 buildings with 107 of them being used for academic purposes. Being located in Michigan means students and faculty get to experience all four seasons on this alluring campus. Safety is a great concern while examining schools, Michigan State University has its own police department dedicated to the campus. With officers patrolling 24/7 in vehicles, bicycles and on foot it creates an extremely safe environment for all students who attend or visit this school. Although the campus is extremely large and the winters are brutal it ultimately creates a closer community. With the struggles of being on a large campus comes the relationships you create with former students. Most first year students have trouble with navigating destinations which is why experienced students go out of their way to assist those in need of help.
Furthermore, Michigan State University is a part of the Big Ten Conference in all varsity sports. Which contains twelve varsity sports for men and thirteen for women. MSU is rated one of the top athletic programs in the nation with 25 division one teams. On campus there are several facilities used for athletics such as; fitness rooms, basketball courts, volleyball courts, indoor pools and more. There are also club sports that are student-run organizations that compete against other universities. At Michigan State University there are currently 949 student athletes, these individuals encourage students all over the country to follow their dreams. With such a large athlete population comes the even larger supportive population. Michigan State University is one of the best schools for having school spirit, this creates one of the most unique characteristics about the school, the entire school population is so supportive that it creates such a strong community.
In short, Michigan State University has infinite unique characteristics which make it an immense option for any student interested in attending college. From the outstanding academics to the exquisite campus to the award winning athletics this well rounded University checks all the boxes. This has been my dream college for years due to all of these aspects, however I believe the most impressive component of this school is the academics. Students attend college to get a greater education, Michigan State University has many unique academic characteristics that make it a dream school for not only myself but numerous High School students from all over the Nation.