Equal Opportunities to All by Allison
Allisonof West Fargo's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2018 scholarship contest
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Equal Opportunities to All by Allison - February 2018 Scholarship Essay
Education has improved rapidly throughout history. From being schoolhouses with only one room to buildings with hundreds of rooms, schools have expanded greatly in size. Not only has this physical change occured, but schools have gained a higher acceptance of all races with the Brown V. Board of Education court case in the 1950's. All of these changes have allowed for the education programs in America to be more advanced and productive than ever before. However, I believe that there is still improvements to be made.
Technologically speaking, schools still have growth that they are able to achieve. By the year 2038, many new advances can be made and integrated into school systems. One of these possible advancements would be the ability for every child to access technology. I know that in my school, not every student has the capability of accessing the internet at home. By giving every student a tablet and/or any other created device it will allow for them to complete online studies and further their learning experience. It will make it easier for these students to complete online homework, as well as do reasearch for class. In a world where the internet has become increasingly important, it seems trivial that it is not made acessable to all students.
Furthermore, the creating of such a program will teach students how to behave properly on the internet. If they have had access to devices from a young age, they will be more likely to use them for education purposes. They are introduced as an educational tool, and students will understand that they are meant to be used in that way.
By creating a technological tool to share with all students, schools will be better at giving equal oppprtunities. It allows for students from all backgrounds to have access to online information, so that they may further their education in a safe manner. By 2038, it should be normal for all schools to have this technology avaliable for it's students.