An Accomplishment Worth Fighting For by Amber

Amberof North East's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest

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Amber of North East, MD
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An Accomplishment Worth Fighting For by Amber - December 2016 Scholarship Essay

Succeeding in academics has been a long-term goal of mine, which stemmed from the one accomplishment that gave me all the confidence in the world: receiving my first report card with all A’s. To some, this may not seem like such a great accomplishment. However, it was just that accomplishment that made me feel like I could achieve any goal that I set for myself. I wanted to get all A’s not only for my family, but for myself as well. I grew up in a family with parents who had no college experience or an outstanding high school GPA. My brother was diagnosed with ADHD, which made learning difficult for him. I wanted to make my parents proud of me, so I began to push myself harder for academic success by the beginning of middle school. I did not end up getting my first distinguished honor roll report card until the middle of my 8th grade year. The first two years were definitely hard for me because my parents decided to divorce before I started 6th grade. Getting distinguished honor roll after that obstacle only made me feel more confident in myself that I could overcome any challenge and still reach my goals.
This accomplishment has not only changed my confidence within myself, but it has also influenced my outlook on life and my education. Throughout 8th grade and high school, I have opened myself up to challenges and opportunities I would have never attempted before. I developed a stronger desire to do more volunteer work and improve the lives of animals and people. I became a member of the Union Hospital’s Explorer Post, where I joined a group of students who shared an interest in pursuing a career in the medical field after college. The club allows us to shadow medical professionals while they perform their job duties. After developing familiarity the hospital, I decided to volunteer in the Maternal Infant Center and the Emergency Department. My hospital experience built on my sense of accomplishment, as it expanded my options of different career paths for the future. In my sophomore year, I volunteered to clean cat rooms at the Chesapeake Feline Association. Also during that year, I was inducted into my high school’s National Honor Society, where I volunteered at elementary school events, conducted food and clothing drives, and participated in other events that provided assistance to people in the local community.
During my junior year, I was part of the chosen few to attend the Cecil County School of Technology, where I was enrolled in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences. I attended my first semester in January of 2016. After the first marking period in the Biomedical Sciences course, I developed a real love or developed a passion for Biology. Currently, I am a senior at Rising Sun High School and am taking my first Advanced Placement (AP) class. I am also in my second semester at the School of Technology, where I have been inducted into the National Technical Honor Society.
My drive to succeed has made me the person I am today. I am grateful for all my mentors who helped me along the way. My initial experience of earning distinguished honor roll motivated me to boost my GPA and join three prestigious honor societies that gave me opportunities to volunteer my time and to develop new skills that I can carry forward into my future. My membership in those societies is extremely important to me, because it allowed me to be exposed to a wonderful group of people who share the NHS membership qualities: Service, Leadership, Character, and Scholarship. I will proudly continue to embody these qualities throughout my years in college and for the rest of my life.
