Only the Best For the B.E.S.T. by Andrea
Andreaof Pierz's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest
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Only the Best For the B.E.S.T. by Andrea - January 2017 Scholarship Essay
I currently volunteer for my mom's parenting/ family strengthening program called B.E.S.T. B.E.S.T. stands for Belonging, Encouraging, and Strengthening Together. The program is typically held on Wednesday nights, and we prepare a meal for the families. I start making the food typically around four o'clock because the families arrive at five for a meal to kick off the night. We usually have eight to ten families who attend, and we spend about a half hour eating. After the meal, from 5:30-7:00, the parents attend a parenting class provided by the county. While the parents are at the classes, my sisters and I take the children, who range in age from newborns to 13 years old, to the gym to play. We also have two grandma's who come and help out.
My sisters and I play with the children, and teach them new games to play. Most of the children we take care of come from rough households, or from poverty areas. Some of them, I found out are not just broke, but poor. By that I mean, not only their families are broke money wise, but they are poor because they don't have family love. I have become a role model for these kids because no matter which child they are, or how bad they lash out, I still talk to them and care about them. The children have taught me how fortunate I am for having parents that love me, teach me morals and values, and respect. Many of these children call their parents and siblings cruel names, and we have to teach them the proper way to talk to a person when you are mad.
Some of the children yearn for attention, and I found out that when you give them attention, they open their heart to you. For instance, I had to walk a seven year old girl across to the high school for a community dance class. The weather was -10 degrees outside with wind blowing. The girl had no hat or gloves, so I gave her mine. I walked her across, and she was having a hard time changing into her dance clothing, so I helped her. She then looked at me and said, "You'd be a good mom, better than mine." My heart dropped at that moment because at seven years of age, she recognized that she didn't have the best mother. Some of the parents try to be good parents, but they were handed a bad hand of cards at life. That's why those parents come to B.E.S.T., so they'll improve their parenting skills. My experience at B.E.S.T. has inspired me to help everyone who comes my way. I try not to judge anyone because I do not know their story. I also try to help everyone who comes my way. By doing this, people have opened up their hearts to me. B.E.S.T. also inspires me to teach other people how to respect and love other people because in this fast pace world people often forget that.