We aren''t from around here by Arshia

Arshiaof Merced's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest

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Arshia of Merced, CA
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We aren''t from around here by Arshia - December 2016 Scholarship Essay

Imagine leaving behind the one place that made you who you are, the one place that protected you from the outside world, the one place that became apart of your identity, the one place you once called “home”; imagine having to leave behind all of that for an opportunity not fully realized by everyone. Most people leave behind their lives to form a new one in search of better life. Whatever the circumstances are, people will fight just to make sure everyone- who supports him/her- benefits from the hard work and sacrifices theyve endured to get to that better life. We carry on our backs the old nostalgic memories of a once better life, a better life we often want nostalgics the when we leave and migrate to a new environment. People will do whatever it takes to make it on the other side.
The American Dream becomes the propaganda it sells: a “better life”, used as bait to reel in individuals from other countries to come and venture into the United States. Former citizens from different parts of the globe who immigrated to America don't have a full understanding of how different the culture shock can be to adjust; it's asglob the dream they all aspire to obtain becomes a living nightmare of adveristiea and struggles.
Once they enter society, most realize how unprepared they actually were. Withto low sense of prior education and a lanaguage barrier, many had to work in low paying jobs with horrible working consortiums. The safety of immigrant workers became dangerous and unsafe, with many having bad work conditions with little to no benefits. Without employee benefits, sustaining the health of your family becomes more strenuous. ​Education is an important aspect for success in life because with knowledge comes power. As a sense of higher education becomes more of a necessity to reach opportunities to have success. Noble Prize Winner PhD Stiglitz argues that, “Whether an American gets ahead is dependent on the income and education of their parents” (Stiglitz 1). Children tend to attain their future education levels through their parents, as parents become he first individuals in a child's life to teach them the rights and wrongs of early developmental life stages. Individuals who have progression and college degrees are more likely to have children with a higher probability of seeking higher education levels in the future, compared to those who just have a high school diploma. Unfortunately, immigrants who move here from outiside countries represent the majority population who are uneducated or with some high school education.
As more of the people from out of the country come, competition manifests from others who are also seeking that same dream of making in the American Dream. A cycle of generational poverty gets created as a result of families being unable to leave the repetitious struggle of being in the less fortunate background. Leaving the cynical cycle of generational poverty is one of the hardest things to do in America. Without the degrees in higher education, the reality of falling into low paying jobs becomes evident. Pursuing the American Dream is unrealistic and lost when an immigrant begins to drown in hospital bills they can’t afford. Seeing how there’s a contrast between immigrants and that of native-born citizens regarding healthcare, The Center for Immigration Studies states, “In 2010, 29 percent of immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) lacked health insurance, compared to 13.8 percent of natives and their children” (Camarota). It’s difficult to prevail in the United States when you can barely afford healthcare. Immigrants return to their homeland as a result. The United States government is a key contributor to the reason why immigrants and their children are refused efficient healthcare. They create laws and regulations that disenfranchise those who immigrate to America.
​The American dream Is widely debateable to be a hoax, a scam, and a way for America to steal the best minds from other nations because their talents and aspirations of can be turned into profit. America is the land of opportunity; either you make it, fully embracing the new area, or fail at trying. Thus, the concept of the American Dream fails to live up to immigrant’s expectations. With the lack of sufficient knowledge and education, lead immigrants to low paying jobs, limited resources to healthcare and nutrients, and ultimately leading a life full of misfortunes and financial burdens. These people collectively suffer and are deprived a suffienct quality of life that everyone deserves the right to have. So, is “The American Dream” really a dream, or a living nightmar? You decide.
