What is the most interesting lesson you've learned in a class and why? by Ashley

Ashleyof Miami's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2013 scholarship contest

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Ashley of Miami, FL
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What is the most interesting lesson you've learned in a class and why? by Ashley - August 2013 Scholarship Essay

In the summer entering my freshman year of high school I had an opportunity to attend a summer camp at St. Thomas University where I was under the tutelage of Mr. Whittaker.  He was this 30 something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience, ready to pour out life lessons and academic to the class of teenagers who were more concerned about what we were going to wear on the first day of school than hearing what he had to say.  But, his opening was everything he needed to capture our attention.  He began by asking us who the first president of the United States was, the usual responses ensued and then he hit us with some information that we were totally oblivious to. Mr. Whittaker’s clincher and life changing lesson for me was when he said, “Always question what people tell you.” That one statement changed the way I viewed the information that is presented to me as factual and true.  As a student I became hungry to learn more about the world that I live in and how it became this way.  History became intriguing and I began to investigate details to the stories that are written in our textbooks.  I learned that I can be my very own teacher and that is exactly what I did.  In college I questioned the tales I learned in high school and I was able to explore the vast information presented on the Internet and in books to truly find out what secrets have been hidden or the ugly truths that are willingly omitted.  As an educator, I now tell my students that same statement and I challenge them to even question how I know what I am teaching them.  There are numerous life lessons I have been fortunate to gleam from my teachers and professors, however, that one lesson in the summer going to ninth grade was the one that has helped shape me into who I am and will evolve into.  
