Better Than Before by Brandon

Brandon's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2020 scholarship contest

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Better Than Before by Brandon - May 2020 Scholarship Essay

In the near future, I hope that education will look more accessible to those who are in a desperate need for support. We often complain about school constantly, and neglect the many life changing opportunities that will follow us if we stay on this path. We can not wait to be over with this chapter of our life and move on; however, many do not have the luxury to complain because they have never experienced what life in school is like. They only hear the many tales of horrible lunches, tremendous amounts of homework, and the very strict teachers/staff. They do not know it yet, but by not experiencing this chapter of their life can have a traumatic effect on the ending. Not having an education puts you at a huge disadvantage, restricting them from making it far in this world.

I may not have known anyone who was unable to get an education, but that does not mean I am unaware of the struggles they face. In school, the whole senior class read a novel called "The Kite Runner," and a character named Hassan did not have an education as a child. If he had a question, he would ask his friend who was lucky enough to have an education, for clarification. The problem with this is that his friend would often give him false information on purpose, so the knowledge Hassan was receiving was invalid. We all remember being asked what we wanted to be when we grow up, but Hassan already knew what he would do in the future. Just like his father, he would be a servant to a wealthy and educated family, believing that this was his best and only option.

Kids now and days need to know that they can have equal opportunities to their peers. That they can learn what they need to in order to thrive and survive in this world. Your future should be guided by your aspirations, and not be restricted by obstacles such as lack of education. It is a shame that this is a problem, that everyone can not have an education, but hopefully it will not be like that for too long.
