are leadership skills necessary for college success? by chyna
chynaof nashville's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest
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are leadership skills necessary for college success? by chyna - March 2015 Scholarship Essay
Leadership skills are indefinitely necessary for college success. College is the point in our lives where we face true adulthood which comes along with endless responsibility. To be a leader means to guide and to always be ahead of the game. You never know who is watching you. Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization using skills that make you the dominant person in that situation. Being in college you have to learn how to hold your own ground and set the example for how you would want to be looked at. This is where being a leader becomes very important because with that quality already instilled in your work ethic and personality, you will be able to be so much more successful.
Networking in college is a huge part to being successful because you never know who you are going to interact with nor do you know what that person will become in later years. Everyone has a purpose. Being a leader includes having attributes that those around you attract to or take interest in. Sparking interest in a person usually leads to conversation which later leads to a new connection. Having leadership-like skills embedded in you will take you very far in college, and life as a whole.
College success comes when you are fully focused and goal oriented throughout your journey of college. Sometimes we get side tracked and things get in the way but the best thing to do is to bounce back from it and continue to strive of the best. Resilience is a huge characteristic of being a leader. Being a successful leader is taking the initiative to want to be great, doing extra to ensure your success-fullness, and never take your eye off of the prize.