Be the Best YOU, You can be by Delmi

Delmiof Montgomery Village's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2016 scholarship contest

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Delmi of Montgomery Village, MD
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Be the Best YOU, You can be by Delmi - April 2016 Scholarship Essay

When your body aches, and when your mind is exhausted and drained, do not give up, don’t push away any work to the side, don’t say the infamous words, I’ll do it later. Procrastination is a horrible habit to have. First it starts off, I’ll do it tomorrow, then it never gets done. If I redid high school I would push myself to do all the work I missed because I delayed to do my work and then never got around to it. If I redid high school I wouldn’t half-heart any of my work or I wouldn’t completely blow it off. I got in this bad habit because I thought none of it really mattered. I questioned what the point of doing any of it was, and how did it affect me. In my senior year I would take it all back, I realized that I needed the grades I didn’t care for back then because it is affecting my cumulative grade point average, colleges and scholarships look at everything and because it’s a competition after high school, why would someone accept a 2.9 cumulative grade point average against a 3.2 cumulative grade point average. I also blew off SSL hours telling myself I’ll do it over the summer, but when summer came there was always something else that was more interesting or not work related I wanted to do, and then I would say next week, and the cycle would repeat. Now I can’t apply to more than half of some really good scholarships because I don’t have the required SSL hours. The competition is real, procrastination causes settlement, going to the only college willing to accept a mediocre record, no ones likes to settle, everyone hopes for something better and beyond themselves.

No matter how hard it gets and how beat up you are or when your mind is saying no, keep going forward don’t take a break don’t stop or give up, keep yourself busy the sense of achievement and pride will fill anyone up real quick and overpower any feelings similar to laziness or worry. Procrastination actually hurts the mental well-being. Procrastination is to postpone an action, in high school it’s usually to delay doing work, when a person does that it makes them feel worried, because they know they have to do it but they don’t, why does anybody want to do that to themselves? To fill themselves up with anxiety and worry, when there is work that can easily be done in just a couple of minutes. Time is another reason why procrastinating is even an option, because as a high school student we all just want to have fun and have time for friends. Don’t think this way, friends are not gonna pay you through college, friends should support you and push you forward, who doesn't need support and a little push? Once the work is done there will be spare time, there will be time to do what’s fun. Even if you did push off doing work to go have fun, you wouldn't have fun you'd spend the time worrying about all the work waiting for you. Procrastination is what causes stress. Do the work no matter how hard it is or if you're not having a good day, once the work is done you will feel a big relief you will feel proud of yourself that you did the work during your hardest moment because you care for yourself to prepare a better brighter future. Do it for your academic and mental well-being. Don't procrastinate it's not worth it it won’t help you build into the person you want to be, it’s a horrible habit that should be avoided at all costs, rise to the occasion, start great from the beginning, it’ll definitely help you in the long run.
