My Childhood Fascination by Elise

Elise's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2024 scholarship contest

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My Childhood Fascination by Elise - February 2024 Scholarship Essay

For as long as I can remember, I have traveled each summer to countless camp grounds all over the Midwest region. I have swam in many bodies of water, hiked unnumbered trails, and witnessed numerous animals interact in the wild. These were always my favorite summer time activities and the family bonding opportunities that I looked forward to all school year. Being immersed in nature from a young age implemented a sense of pride and interest in the wonderful Earth that we get the honor to call home.
My outdoor experiences led me to be very curious about all the ecosystems and animals that call the Earth their home. The only way I could learn more about this was through nature documentaries. I would make my family watch National Geographic, Wild Kratts, and more in order to further my knowledge. I could have watched those informationals for hours, never getting sick of the facts the narrators shared with me. I credit my current knowledge and desire to them.
Unfortunately, as I have grown older, environmental concerns have become more imminent to me. I have learned of the warming temperatures, deforestation problems, decrease in many animal populations, and so much more. I have become very interested in positively affecting these problems. I can picture myself fulfilling my goals to make our Earth a better, healthier place through my own growth and learning.
Wherever I choose to continue my successes, my future is to major in Conservation and Biological Engineering Systems. Specifically, I would like to work with animals and conservation within the oceanic region. With my exploration in this knowledge, I aim to aid in the restoration efforts of the habitats that are being negatively impacted by human activity. My desire is to understand our balance and effects on the Earth to help for sustainable solutions for future communities.
As our Earth continues to deteriorate, action is needed. This natural desire has been within me for as long as I can remember and I cannot wait to start learning about the positive impacts that individuals can make. I see myself empowered to contribute to the positive efforts in my community and around the world. It will prompt me with challenges that are necessary to overcome. In order to help our environment for generations to come. I will as an individual with a heightened sense of cultural awareness, positive characteristics I can implement in my community.
