Describe a time when you failed at something, and how you were able to take that lesson and improve. by Emily

Emilyof Tampa's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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Emily of Tampa, FL
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Describe a time when you failed at something, and how you were able to take that lesson and improve. by Emily - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

I am not a natural athlete. In elementary and middle school I played the typical sports: softball, soccer, dance, and swimming, but I was never passionate about—or particularly good at—any of them. Then, the summer before I started high school, a friend encouraged me to try out for the cross country team. I had never run in my life. Surprisingly, I discovered I love running, specifically how I feel after running. I feel physically strong and mentally more relaxed and focused.

I go to a school that is extremely competitive in all sports, and particularly in girls’ cross country. Just to make the team, I had to work harder than I ever had worked for anything. We practice six days a week in the Florida sun, running over four miles at every practice. Running pushes me to my physical limit, but I love competing against myself, being part of a highly motivated team, and tracking how much I improve. Every year I decreased my time.

This year at summer conditioning, 60 girls were trying out, including many freshmen who were great athletes. Since I had been on the team for three years, I knew that coach only takes the top 30 girls. As tryouts approached, and I knew I was in the middle. I was nervous. At the tryouts, I ran my hardest and got my personal best time. As I ran across the finish line, I got my number – 31. My heart sank. All of the girls begged coach to keep me; I was a 4th year senior and was only seconds away from making the team. On Monday, he posted the 30 girls’ name that made the team. I was devastated. I had failed; I did not make the team.

After a few days, I was able to move past the disappointment of not making the team and instead focus on all of the positives experiences I had being on the team for three years. I decided to fill the free time that I would have spent practicing with other meaningful activities. I decided to focus on horseback riding and preparing for my college applications. In the end, I was accepted to my first choice school, Tulane University, and will be in the riding club. If I hadn’t been able to devote the time and energy to my applications and improving my riding, that outcome might not have occurred.

The lessons I learned running cross county about sacrifice, discipline, and resilience will always stay with me. But one of the most important think I learned is that if you don’t succeed, but you give it your all, it can be a learning experience that can be a positive in the long run. You have to adjust, put the disappointment behind you, and move on.

I am extremely thankful to have found my passion for running and know the lessons I learned from being on the cross team will be with me in everything I do in the future.
