Learn. Grow. Prepare by Emily

Emilyof Red Oak 's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2019 scholarship contest

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Emily of Red Oak , TX
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Learn. Grow. Prepare by Emily - March 2019 Scholarship Essay

Walking into the new universe of high school, every freshman creates an opinion and view of what their expectations of their new journey holds. Some minds wander to the thought of athletics or academics. Some minds migrate to fine arts or agriculture. Each student is unique and will experience their own fair share of personal experiences. However, these next four years supply every student with a plethora of education, growth, and preparation.
Students experience on average about one-thousand hours of in school high school education. Statistically proven, only about twenty-five percent of the information learned in those hours will be retained long term. The memories stored and learned in the classroom will be valuable, but the ones created outside the classroom will be the most paramount. Lessons of responsibility, effort, compassion, and more can’t be taught and appreciated with a white board or an expo marker. Personality and character traits are conceived within and away from the classroom. More emphasis and impact lays on the opportunities that arise elsewhere in response to the era of time being experienced.
The lessons learned contribute to one of the most impactful attributes of the teenage years and high school; growth. The expansion of a student’s mindset, integrity, and individuality is unique and unthinkable. A student enters high school immature and naive, but depart as developed and knowledgeable. Experiences in and out of the classroom will shape and mold each student into their own respectable character.
The endless days of preparation for tests, quizzes, and assessments will kickoff the endurance for the unimaginable hours of preparation that accompany the events and involvements outside of the classroom. No individual can confidently say they will ever be fully ready in body and mind for what life has to offer, because in reality we never know what is upon us. High school is just the dawn of the development of the fortitude for the future.
Walking out of the familiar universe of high school, every senior has written their own exclusive novel full of past stories and memories from their high school history. Some of the novels may contain the creation of athletes or "mathletes." Some novels display painters, dancers, or farmers. However, the last four years, for every student, embodies the development of a knowledged, cultivated, able individual.
