Be the Change by Emily
Emilyof Cincinnati 's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2013 scholarship contest
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Be the Change by Emily - August 2013 Scholarship Essay
The most interesting lesson that I have ever learned in a class was what I learned through my Be the Change Project in my Medical Ethics class. I took Medical Ethics in my senior year of high school and the class focused on the ethical debates in medicine such as euthanasia, prosthetic limbs, informed consent, and eugenics. Towards the end of the class, my peers and I were assigned the task of going out into our community to advocate change and make a difference for a topic of our choice. I worked with two of my classmates to make a difference for foster care children and adoptees in our community through creating a facebook page, a tumblr blog, and posting facts about the social inequities that those children face. We spread the word about our facebook page and tumblr blog by posting sticky notes with a fact and the link in public places. Not only did I learn a lot about the difficulties that foster care children face through this lesson, but I also learned about how much one person can make a difference in their community if they want to. Whether it's arranging a fundraiser or donating their time to an organization, there's ways to help others, and now I know how to achieve that.