Change with Society by Emma
Emma's entry into Varsity Tutor's July 2022 scholarship contest
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Change with Society by Emma - July 2022 Scholarship Essay
Society has an ever-changing dynamic that needs to be addressed constantly. School systems have not changed in many years which is producing the same values that of the 1950s. To see real change in one's society our education system should also be changing with the values and norms of the present. Education should be relevant, resourceful, and new. Over the next ten years, schools should integrate real-world situations into their classrooms. Teachers should allow creative freedom while introducing relevant topics surrounding government actions, global warming, and pop culture. Finally, education needs to include not only learning of books and facts but social skills too.
Integrating the current news culture into classrooms will allow for a non-biased environment for students to develop their own thoughts based on their teacher's lessons. Students should be using their imagination to create assignments that display their point of view on topics while also offering a solution to change or support the decisions made by our government. The young adult population is the next to rise up and be our leaders and politicians. We should have educated leaders based not only on what happened 100 years ago but also on more current events that are still present. These relevant events are what shape our society and affect what laws are put into place by our government. Understanding what politicians say and mean should be taught at an early age to prevent misunderstanding and worsening of tensions between government and people.
In addition, as technology becomes more a part of our lives and society social skills have declined. It is important to retain social skills to be able to better understand one another and to be welcoming of those who may be different than you. Social skills are also needed for jobs and being accepted into society. Education should not push kids out of their comfort zones but rather encourage them to expand their social ability to different groups and activities. I find that teachers who push kids into groups and activities do not understand that they are not helping that child but rather hurting them. Teachers should offer different options and persuade kids into making their own decisions allowing them to develop better social skills.
In conclusion, education needs to change with society. Changing with society will allow for more current topics to be addressed and for an easier transition into adult life. Education is what shapes our children into who they are. Relevant news needs to be exposed to the education system if America is to learn from her mistakes. While education grows along with current news events she also needs to grow with current social structures as well. Continuing to pursue social skills in education will allow for better acceptance in our society minimizing issues between different demographics in our society. Education needs to address social skills and current real-world scenarios to grow with society.