How would you make the most of a gap year? by Eyerusalem
Eyerusalemof Houston's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2019 scholarship contest
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How would you make the most of a gap year? by Eyerusalem - August 2019 Scholarship Essay
I would make the most of a gap year by traveling abroad in a program that caught my eye and I was eligible for. I have always enjoyed traveling and love the thrill of being on an airplane and seeing different sights from up above. A gap year gives me the opportunity to spend time away from an environment I’ve been used to and get away to see new surroundings that I might not have been able to if I didn’t push myself out into this world and apply myself.
I like the idea of traveling to Latin America and the Carribean since I have not have the chance to visit that area of the world and it has always been a dream of mine. The advertisements on TV and the internet have grabbed my attention and given me the hope that a study abroad program in that region will open up when I least expect it during my application process.
I believe I need the time away in order to find myself and rediscover who I am set out to be. I like the idea of trying new foods, meeting new people, learning new languages, visiting new places and studying for my education too. My education has always been important to me and I will never let go of that in a study abroad program. I like the idea of adding something new to my life to help me prosper and grow as an individual.