Stay Focused by Graham

Grahamof Florence's entry into Varsity Tutor's November 2014 scholarship contest

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Graham of Florence, AL
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Stay Focused by Graham - November 2014 Scholarship Essay

I would like to give all incoming high school freshmen some advice. Stay focused!!! Grades start counting now. You can't go back and make good grades. You need to stay focused and study. I have kept my grades high but I wish I could go back and do better. I wish I could run for more offices and I wish that I had gotten even more involved in volunteer work in my community.

In today's society we feel pressured to keep up with our peers. Sometimes the peers that you have don't go in the direction that you need to be in to stay focused on your studies. Remember that you don't have to put off studying to fit in with the popular kids. If you stay focused on your grades, leadership roles, and community service, you will be successful at attaining college scholarships. These scholarships will make it easier on you and your family. College will be a turning point in your life. Your future depends on what you choose as your major.

As you can see, staying focused on your grades, attaining leadership positions, and doing community service can all help you prepare for your future. I hope that you will take my advice and stay focused on making your future successful.
