My Choice to Make a Difference by Hope
Hopeof Fort Myers's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest
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My Choice to Make a Difference by Hope - December 2016 Scholarship Essay
When I was younger, I wanted to do a million different things. It was difficult for me to choose one specific major for college or one career for my future. I wanted to be an zoologist, a veterinarian, an author, a lawyer, and so many other things. But the one aspect that all of these future careers had in common was the fact that I would be using them all to benefit the community and people around me. No matter what career I ended up choosing, I've always wanted to be the light in the darkness and be that spark that changed someone's perspective on life. I know it's difficult to imagine being that kind of influence in someone's life, but I wanted to be just that.
Over time, I've chosen journalism. I am a writer and an avid reader. It has always been my goal to use words to communicate my feelings and emotions to other human beings and once I chose this major, I knew it was the right choice. I have stayed focused and worked hard to position myself positively for the future. Throughout my time at Florida Gulf Coast University, I've learned my greatest academic accomplishment: the fact that I have been successful in preparing myself to use my career to benefit others. My main goal throughout high school and college was to choose a career that affects me just as positively as anyone else. I wanted to be that "light" in my community, and even the world, and use my career to guide me.
As much as I would love to make a bunch of money and be wildly successful, that is not my main priority. I obviously want to support myself financially and be able to feel secure in my life and my career, but my main goal is for people to remember me. I want to make a big enough impact in life to be remembered and cherished by my friends, family, and people who may never have met me. I want to continuously volunteer, work for reputable companies that put their clients and friends first, and make a difference in the lives of others. I don't want to be a replaceable associate.
I want to be the reason someone cracks a smile or laughs for the first time that day. I want to be the reason they come back to the company for its product or service. I want to be that associate that makes someone's day. It doesn't matter to me whether the act is big or small as long as it changes someone's perspective on life, even if only for a day. And that is why my greatest school achievement is finally choosing a career that not only provides success and financial stability for me, but also positively impacts my community and the lives of others.