I'm in Love with Someone Named Sleep by Ioana

Ioanaof Pittsburgh's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2019 scholarship contest

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Ioana of Pittsburgh, PA
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I'm in Love with Someone Named Sleep by Ioana - January 2019 Scholarship Essay

My day consists of: work 8am-3pm, school 4-7pm, workout 7:30-8:30pm. I scroll through Instagram and see these superhero people who get up at 4am everyday to workout, go to their full time jobs, make time to blog, pre-cook every single meal of the week, and also manage to have a social life. At first I'm in awe but then I think of how our society has evolved. Nowadays, quantity seems to overrule quality. If you're doing a million things a day, you're seen as successful. If you're a freelancer, you're seen as lazy. If you're a morning person, you're seen as an overachiever. If you're a night person, you're seen as disorganized. Maybe it's time to see ourselves in a different light.

It's ok to give yourself a day off! It's ok to not do anything productive sometimes. You are worthy of love regardless of how many things you've accomplished today. Maybe you finally finished a painting you've been working on but that's all you did today. Maybe you slept through your alarm and got to work late but on your way there you ran into a friend you haven't seen in a long time and that cheers you up. You could have the most productive day but still feel unfulfilled. Or you could have a really productive day for the first time in a while and that's also great. It's important to remember that you're in control of your day.

Am I a morning person or night person? I'm both! Having every meal, activity, responsibility, etc planned out can be so lackluster. Some days, I'm up super early and manage to get everything done. Some days, I can tell I need a self care day. Sleeping in shouldn't feel like a sin. You shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to spend time sleeping. I'm in love with sleep and I'm proud!
