Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why are you most productive at this time? by Jael

Jaelof Long Beach's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2019 scholarship contest

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Jael of Long Beach, CA
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Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why are you most productive at this time? by Jael - January 2019 Scholarship Essay

Mornings are a beautiful time of the day. They can be peaceful and refreshing. The more I think about and compare the two types of people in this essay prompt, it is clear that I am a morning person. My productivity is its greatest during the early part of the day. As the night goes on, my accomplishments decrease. The various tasks I begin are rarely completed.
Realizing that I am a morning person became apparent to me when I started high school. There were many times when I attempted to review a math problem at night and I do not quite understand it. However, I seemed to understand that same problem, and many more like it, a lot better in the morning! On weekdays, I now attempt to accomplish as much studying as I can before 10 pm. It feels like my brain shuts completely down after 10 pm. Another time I take advantage of my morning sharpness is during 1st period study hall. Whether it comes to memorizing my vocabulary words or a quick review before a test, clear and focused thinking is what I experience.
Occasionally, I will make an effort to function as a night owl. The night before a test, I will try to study the material all evening, ending my studying around 12 midnight. I read my notes over and over attempting to comprehend the information. I find the more I read and the later it gets, the less I understand what I am reading. Finally, a small voice inside my head says, “quit forcing yourself to comprehend this information and go to bed!” Surprisingly, one of my high school friends is a night owl. My good friend Vanessa told me she doesn’t go to bed on a week night until 2am.
She thinks it is strange that I go to bed “early” at 10pm. I do not think it “strange” as I am well aware of the best time my mind and body best function.
Deciding on whether I am a morning person or a night owl is not difficult for me. Without a doubt, I am at my best in the morning. My mind is clearer at this time which allows me to efficiently handle my responsibilities at school. As a result, my grades are pleasingly good and I am satisfied with my progress at school. When I try to be a night owl, it does not work in my favor. I finish far less than what I plan to finish. Next year I begin college. Knowing that I am a morning person will help me organize my classes and study time to be successful.
