What do you think education will look like in 50 years? by Jeanavy

Jeanavy's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2020 scholarship contest

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What do you think education will look like in 50 years? by Jeanavy - May 2020 Scholarship Essay

Given the circumstances of the world's current situation, the way we learned had to change.We transformed our education online and adjusted to the changes. So, what else can we do? What else might change? If we have the ability to adjust the way school is presently, we can change what learning looks like in the future?
Absolutely, I believe we can and believe we should. I can not say I know what the future will look like in 50 years, but I hope it will be inclusive. By inclusive I mean acknowledge the minority group. By implementing preventative methods to suicide, mental health issues, etc. Also, being more inclusive where we honor diversity, acknowledge adversity in students and the world. Where we take care of the students. We students are not just learning a subject; we are discovering who we are. We deserve more support then we are getting today. Today we are limited or unaware of the support and present resources for us. Education in 50 years will look like prosperity, welfare, and success. When someone feels unsafe, they will know where to go. When there is trouble at home, there are signs and someone taking preventive action for the kid's safety. Education will not only teach us how to calculate pi squared but how to reach out for help when we are scared.
