Natural Right to the Pursuit of Knowledge by jillian

jillian's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2021 scholarship contest

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Natural Right to the Pursuit of Knowledge by jillian - January 2021 Scholarship Essay

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” is the in the preamble of our Declaration of Independence for a reason. In no world should a child be stripped of the opportunity to be aware of the world he lives in. All humans deserve the right to basic education.
Some of the wealthiest and most successful icons of the world today came from nothing, and if not for the free public school system, those successes might have not been possible. Of course, college and private schools are a different argument. Access to a higher level of education is not a "right", as it is paid for by those who are willing. Everyone should be allotted a level playing field to access knowledge and better themselves. It is an individual's choice on how and if they use this knowledge to their own advantage, but everyone should at least have the opportunity to learn. No one should be prohibited from bettering themselves or creating opportunities for next level of education and future careers.
Not everyone is blessed with a proper education, whether the cause be government, resources, family life, or personal choice. Those reasons do not mean that the individual does not have the right to an education. The world is not perfect and not everyone has the same academic opportunities, but that does not make anyone less of a person or their education less important.
