Percy Jackson and the Olympians by joquez
joquezof Fort Wright's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2017 scholarship contest
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians by joquez - May 2017 Scholarship Essay
The story of Percy Jackson follows a young teen finding himself to be the half-deity son of Poseidon, Greek god of the ocean, and his wondrous adventures featuring many Greek myths and folklore characters. The story is one filled with action and tension, whether Percy is slaying a five-headed Hydra or trying to go to the depths of the underworld in order to see his mother. The story is great for its easily understandable writing and it’s ability to easily grab the reader’s attention. I am thankful for my seventh grade teachers for making me read this story because it has opened my eyes to the very compelling world of Mythology of all varieties.
The Percy Jackson novel series has many books based on Roman and Greek mythology. The author even has a separate series based on Egyptian mythology. The first of the books were the sprout of my love for the subject. In the first book, Percy must defeat an infamous the snake-headed monster named Medusa. Medusa had the ability to turn whoever gazed upon it to stone and this sparked my interest to the fullest. Upon hearing the monsters name, I immediately questioned her backstory and why she was this way. I rented out Greek mythology books from my school library and easily found that Medusa was made this why by the war god Athena, who had been jealous of Medusa’s affections with Poseidon. My interest didn’t peak there; I started to look in other chapters of the books and read many stories of things I never even heard of. I learned of Sirens, Nymphs, Titans and so much more. My love of the subject eventually led to its involvement in my everyday life. Book reports, projects, and creative writing assignments were often about hundreds of gods and goddesses of mythology.
In conclusion, the book gave me more interest to read, write, and learn. Looking back, I learned that doing what you liked lessened the workload and stress of projects. It made my life substantially more easy because work doesn’t seem like work if you enjoy doing it. Even today I rent books and movies based on the subject to enjoy as a pastime. I learned a new interest and it’s an interest that I could get lost in while surrounding myself in knowledge of culture from other places. I truly owe thanks to Percy Jackson for the many A’s on papers as well as the start of an interest I’ll never give up.