ACT Does Not Define Me by Kristen

Kristenof Green Bay's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2019 scholarship contest

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Kristen of Green Bay, WI
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ACT Does Not Define Me by Kristen - April 2019 Scholarship Essay

In Mrs.Vangs fourth grade math class I received my first F on a multiplication timed test. At the age of 9 I felt defeated. The punch in the gut was an unforgettable experience. Before the retake, I studied using multiplication cards, white boards, computer games and practice time tests to prepare. I aced the retake. Recently, I experienced a similar defeat, a less than mediocre ACT score. The only difference between my failing multiplication test and my poor ACT score was the impact on my future. An ACT score, a representation of knowledge and the deciding factor for most colleges, defined me as a student, or so I thought. The day I took the ACT I struggled to answer all the questions, forgot basic math equations and I blanked writing the essay. Knowing my performance was weak, I knew my score would reflect it but I still maintained a goal, a score of 20. My friends laughed and reassured me exclaiming, “Oh don’t worry about it, you will get at least a 20.” Months later I received the letter in the mail. My cumulative score: 19. The whites of eye turned red and a stream of tears rolled down my face. My confidence crumbled into a pile of dirt on the floor.
I felt embarrassed and ashamed.
After taking the ACT, I studied using practice time tests and study sheets while scouring the web for helpful tips. Months later I took ACT again and although I thought I improved significantly, the letter arrived revealed otherwise. My score dropped to an 18.
Test scores and grades ideally exemplify the student’s understanding and comprehension of a subject, but in the world of academics and education, a student’s world revolves around ACT and SAT scores, letter grades and AP College Board Tests rather than the learning. A score defines one performance. A basketball player doesn't play one game and end their career. A stage performer doesn't sing one song and end their show. A business man or woman doesn't go to one meeting and leave work. A student should not take one test that defines them. The capability of a student is greater than a test score. A test score, a sliver of my capability, does not and will not define me.
