The Fault in Yourself if Not Read by Lara

Laraof Plantation's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2015 scholarship contest

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Lara of Plantation, FL
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The Fault in Yourself if Not Read by Lara - February 2015 Scholarship Essay

In high school, I have read many books in class and in my free time. Now some of these books just weren't for me because the message didn't get through to me. However, a couple of these books really stuck out to me and gave me a new perspective on certain topics and issues.

One book in particular that I enjoyed reading was, of course, the famous The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. When I was a sophomore in high school a lot of my friends encouraged me to read the novel because they told me it was now their favorite book. However, when I found out it was a book about kids with cancer, I said I’d pass. The year before, my grandfather passed away from this disease and I didn't want to read a book that would recount similar situations that my family and I have lived through.

Junior year, however, enough time had passed and I went to purchase the book. As I started to read the first few pages, it wasn't sad at all, it was full of humor and had a really interesting plot idea. As I got further into the story, my perspective on a lot of things really changed. For one, I was no longer scared to talk about cancer. I was no longer scared to think about the topic of cancer. Before I wouldn't even want to spell out the word because it just messed with me mentally. But after reading a story about two teenagers with the unfortunate fate of developing cancer, it really opened my eyes.

The Fault in Our Stars is a book that I now recommend to absolutely everyone. It’s a story about love, loss, and compassion. It’s a story about living and not dying. This book can relate to almost everyone in some way. I can reread this book over and over again and catch something new that I hadn't caught before.

Many high school students in America are only focused on themselves the majority of the time. Teenagers can become conceded and loose the spirit of what it means to be a well-rounded person. They should read this book because it opens up the mind of an individual.

All high school students before graduating should read this book because they can develop an understanding on a view other than their own. The Fault in Our Starts is an aspiring story that can change students’ perspectives on life, as it did for me.
