Which academic subject did you learn the most from in high school? How did it help you grow as a student? by Laura

Lauraof El Paso's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2016 scholarship contest

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Laura of El Paso, TX
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Which academic subject did you learn the most from in high school? How did it help you grow as a student? by Laura - August 2016 Scholarship Essay

Over the four years of my high school education I received an incredible amount of knowledge from both my teachers and classmates. Everyday as I left school I felt I gained knowledge that will help grow as a person. Although every subject taught me something important, there was definitely a subject in particular that taught me the most. History the class was my favorite subject in school and I looked forward to that class everyday. Learning about our past and the different cultures around the world helped me tremendously to be a better student.
I never realized how lucky I was to be able to received an education and be able to go to school everyday. Senior year my history class focused on the difference cultures around the world. We learned that in countries in both Africa and the Middle East girls are forbidden to received an education. Girls who attempt to go to school are persecuted, send to prison and even killed just for the simple fact that they wanted to improve their lives. Seeing these unjust practices made me realized that education is not a right but a privilege for most people.
Looking back at my high school career, history class taught me the most. It also helped me become a better student student because it made me realized how lucky I was. I'm able to received an education without having to fear for my life or feel like I was doing something wrong. Everyday that I went to school I gave my teachers my undivided attention and completed all of my assignments. If it wasn't for history class I would have never appreciated the education I'm receiving as much as I do know.
