Colorado by LeRoy

LeRoyof Pueblo's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2016 scholarship contest

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LeRoy of Pueblo, CO
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Colorado by LeRoy - May 2016 Scholarship Essay

It’s that wonderful time of the school year. Prom was just a few weeks ago, many sports seasons are coming to an end and a long awaited vacation is finally coming to fruition. However, there is one thing in the way of the coming bliss; finals week. Students are scrambling to remember everything that was covered throughout the semester and are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure they pass their classes. Some may get extra tutoring, while others may decide to take on new religion as they feel that they need all the help they can get. While these methods can be beneficial for a few students, there are better ways to prepare for final exams.

The most obvious, yet most avoided method is to start studying early. Many students, including myself, tend to “cram study”. They pull an all-nighter the night before the test with hopes that they can remember all their notes for their final the next morning. However, many studies have shown that this is not beneficial. By cramming the night before, everything that is being studied goes in short-term memory rather than long term memory. You may remember the notes the next morning, but the next day, everything you stayed up all night for will be lost. Thus, it is better to start studying sooner rather than later. One way to start studying early is to look at previous exams in your class.

After every exam, it is important to look back at the tests to see what you understand and what may need a bit more work. Be sure to take any notes written by the professor seriously and if you have further questions, it is important to ask. Another good tip is to make study guides out of these past exams. Usually, your professor writes their test themselves and by making study guides out of their own tests, you can become very familiar with what kind of questions they may ask on the final and what they will expect you to understand.

If you don’t understand something in your class, it is very important to get help early. This can be done with tutors or asking the teacher themselves. Some may feel embarrassed to ask for help but remember that this is why tutors and teachers are there. They want to help students understand the material! However, you should not become too reliant on tutors. They are there to help you understand the material, not to just do your thinking for you. Use tutors as a guide, or as a simple push in the right direction to help further your understanding of the material.

Finals week is the most stressful part of any student’s life. But with the right study habits, and getting help early, students do not have to be afraid of their last exams and can be one step closer to their joyous vacation.
