Relevance of Repetition by Mary
Maryof Charleston 's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2016 scholarship contest
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Relevance of Repetition by Mary - May 2016 Scholarship Essay
When it comes to studying no one really knows what to do. Sure there's the cliche note cards or re-writing notes. But what really works?
No single method is going to suffice for the array of students around the world- that's a given. However, I'm sure many can agree, the concept of repetition is one the brain can connect with. As taught in even remedial psychology memory is best for the first and the last thing in a list. When utilizing repetition the brain is receiving this information so many times that in some instance it has been first or last. If the reason be not placement of information for the individual it can simply be the fact the information has been presented to the point annoyance has been encountered like a song that gets stuck in ones head.
As for Final exams many tend to cram last minute. However, the best way to study is to spread it out over time and apply that repetition technique. This can be done with note cards, reading notes, or even watching a review video depending on ones best method of learning; auditory, visual or kinesthetic. I find that making review cards, starting a week prior to exam, and constantly re-intoduing the information to the limbic system of the brain eventually the hippocampus will transfer it from short-term memory to long term thus equipping the individual for test taking.
I find repetition in any form best prepares the brain; especially under the pressure induced by end of course exams.