One Accomplishment That Magnifies Them All by Mary

Maryof Charleston 's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest

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Mary of Charleston , SC
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One Accomplishment That Magnifies Them All by Mary - December 2016 Scholarship Essay

The presidency of the National Honor Society (NHS) is a position I hold that brings me prodigious gratification. Earning this role was a prestigious coup in my high school career that exemplifies my efforts to better present myself. I am proud to say I was chosen for this position to represent NHS's four pillars of service, scholarship, character and leadership for my school. Being able to stand as a figure for these qualities to not only the members of this group, but as a role model to all others in my school and community, is an honor. President of the National Honor Society is my biggest and most satisfying accomplishment because it is based on my past, current, and future accomplishments in the four pillars magnifying all I've done over my four years of high school.

I can easily settle on holding office as the President being my greatest accomplishment. It is a notable leadership role that stands on its own as a distinguishing factor but it too represents more through the four pillars. Through the National Honor Society I have participated in more community service opportunities than I ever knew existed. Volunteer work is something I find both great enjoyment in and to be extremely respectable. Through the National Honor Society I have become a role model for all those around me and find leadership to be a desirable aspect in a person. Character is individuality, uniqueness and makes one stand out, something I never thought to focus in until now; I used to want to fit in. Scholarship is dedication to my studies and to seek education and knowlege in all I do. These attributes are something I came to focus with much higher degree through this community of scholars and has benefitted me greatly as a person.

The National Honor Society and my position as president is my most beneficial and most satisfying accomplishment as it has helped me grow as a person in service, scholarship, character and leadership. I am most proud of this achievement because it is not a single event that brings attention but rather an experience that will continue to help me grow as a positive member of the community.
