The Advantages Of Studying Abroad. by McCain

McCainof Wilmington's entry into Varsity Tutor's November 2017 scholarship contest

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McCain of Wilmington, NC
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The Advantages Of Studying Abroad. by McCain - November 2017 Scholarship Essay

Throughout my life, I have pushed myself to my limits. I took the path less traveled, expecting myself to not only succeed but thrive. In this search I found myself in a dilemma of which public high school to attend; then I heard about the Lyceum Academy, a place where curiosity is nurtured, different learning style are cultivated and explored, where individuals become a family, where mastery of the courses is expected, and where, above all else, scholarship is the main goal. The motto of Lyceum, "Primus Inter Pares" ( first among equals), symbolizes the atmosphere I am surrounded by at school every day.
I am surrounded by the most dedicated and knowledgeable people, and who, like me, chose to take this two-year rigorous schedule. This combination of intellectuals has instilled in me a newfound awareness of the world around me as well as the ability to have focused, mature conversations. But it has also secluded me from the rest of school. With an average class size of ten, I see the same people every day with little to no diversity. This is where the cultural diversity offered by traveling abroad could benefit me and my college education.

With so many different personalities, points of view, and cultural backgrounds all across the world. Traveling to new and different places is the perfect way to meet new people and enhance my own understanding of the world. Through this traveling abroad would help develop me not only as a student, but as a person as well. Traveling abroad offers enriching experiences outside of a classroom where students have to think differently and critically. Whether that means listening to people’s stories or participating in the free exchange of ideas as a student, this knowledge carries with it a lofty responsibility. We are accountable for our response to this newfound awareness. Education, in all its forms, should add fuel to the fire within us to be men and women of action who are servant-hearted leaders in our communities, locally and globally. As students committed to this vision, there are a myriad of avenues through which we can fulfill this calling. As citizen students we have the opportunity and responsibility to advocate for causes we believe in that help move us toward a more just society would
Through this, it is our responsibility as students to see the world, to be open-minded about new cultures and immerse yourself in the knowledge of other people. As well as to convey your own background of diligence and awareness for the benefit of others. The diversity offered by travel abroad will prove to not only enhance my education, but also give me a solid foundation to build on.
