The Evolution of Education by Michael
Michael's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2020 scholarship contest
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The Evolution of Education by Michael - May 2020 Scholarship Essay
As of now, the future of education is questionable. Social distancing has the citizens of the United States in fear of their lives because of COVID19. Educating young Americans is more than just an investment into human capital, this is a real concern. I believe there is a way to solve this problem and lower exposure to COVID19 and other diseases.
Staggering the amount of students at the campus is a way to lower the exposure to this awful virus. Colleges and universities already have a systematic way of preventing disease and the spread of ailments. Implement a system where a portion of the students physically report to campus 3 days a week and another group 2 days a week and switch every other week. This will isolate any spread of viruses or bacteria to groups and not the entire population.
Technology, it allows us to be more productive and efficient. Students have easy access to devices that can access popular applications and the internet. The ability to film and transmit information in 2020 is unprecedented. An educator can have a lesson plan two classes. One is implemented online and the other in person. Making education not so time consuming. Traveling costs, nutritional expenses, and utility bills will be minimized. This will lead to less time spent with the students, but is it quantity or quality? Class sizes in response will be cut in half and more time can be utilized to the students. The instructors will also be able to help parents be more involved or give students more resources to review over time. There is the ability for educators to limit the number of views on a video, but this also could allow students to review subjects, topics, and concepts they may not have comprehended on the first verbal instruction. This will allow the student to view the material explained by their instructor as many times as they please.
Education is going to revert to technology. The spoken word, an equation on a board, or a book report can easily be transmitted within seconds over the internet. Hard paper copies of documents will become extinct. This is a good thing for environmental and economical purposes. Loose papers causes inefficiency among educators and has a larger possibility of error or to be misplaced. A digital copy will allow the student, the instructor, and possibly stored on a server so that any discrepancies can be resolved in a more official manner.
This will be a different way of promoting organization for younger students. A first grade student may keep all graded work for review, but would it be surprising if they did not? This will allow them to turn in an assignment and call upon the graded work without any thought of physical placement or the risk of damage. This will allow educators to direct students that need extra review to material that was previously completed on subjects that may be troubling.
I believe that this is how education will look in 50 years. A hybrid method of educating that allows materials and resources that are available in large quantities, digitally, incorporated into coursework and standard teaching methods. As a biological being, completing eliminating the social aspect of human life and the way people develop cognitively because of social interactions. To improve upon a system that has had complaints about lack of resources and lack of attention. This is a way to implement resources to every student in an adequate manner.