My Passion is the THEATER by Milo
Milo's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2025 scholarship contest
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My Passion is the THEATER by Milo - February 2025 Scholarship Essay
I want to be an actor in the theater. Little did I know that swinging on a rope would forever change my world. I was seven years old. My dad “hired” me for a commercial he was working on because he could pay me with Pokemon cards. Talk about cheap labor. The lights went on. The cameras rolled. I grabbed onto my rope and soared through the air into a tent full of pillows. It was so much fun! I heard my dad refer to us kids in the commercial as “actors.” That sounded good to me. From that day forward, I wanted to be an actor.
Jump forward to junior high. My theater class showed me that there was a whole lot more to this acting stuff. Through acting, I saw myself in an entirely new light; I could become whoever and whatever was asked of me. On camera or onstage, I was transported to another world. Only after I heard the word “cut!” did I return to reality. Theatre became my sanctuary, a place where I felt anything was possible. My little spark of passion for acting had now turned into a bonfire.
In high school, I struggled with math and algebra. My brain just didn’t work that way – my brain wanted to be creative! I even had to get a tutor from Varsity Tours during my Junior year to help me get through my algebra class. Thankfully, I was able to get a B in my class. As a high school senior, things became more clear regarding my future. I was given the opportunity to write and produce a play from scratch. This was definitely bigger and bolder than anything I’d done before, but directing my peers in a tale of my own creation was kind of a dream come true. My passion was ignited! However, one week before opening night, this dream almost turned into a nightmare. One of the main actors dropped out. Just like that, she was gone. History. The entire cast wondered if we could continue the show with such a massive setback. I decided to not give up on my actors and, in return, they did not give up on me. Nine hours and several energy drinks later, a new script was complete minus that character. As they say, “the show must go on.”
The process of actors working together to transform words on paper into something greater than ourselves is incredible. Despite the challenges and sleepless nights that final week presented us, every moment was worth it when I saw the joy our performance brought to others. The audience's laughs and smiles brought feelings of happiness that I hadn’t felt since I crashed into a tent full of pillows so many years ago. This was, quite possibly, the best feeling I'd ever felt. At least it seemed that way at the time. Had we given up on our little play, Rockwall, Texas would have missed out on a bunch of joy and smiles. With all of its ups and downs, this production taught me about leadership. It reinforced in me the importance of teamwork, collaboration and cooperation. It forced me to learn gritty lessons about resilience and adaptability. Thank you theater, for the life-lessons and wisdom you never cease to provide. In the upcoming chapters of my life, I intend to perform for a wider audience, either on a stage or in front of a camera with a microphone over my head. To do that, I know I need to hone my improvisation, characterization, and other skills that are essential for my career success. That begins with attending college. I have been accepted into the University of Oklahoma and plan to study Theater Arts with a Business minor. It's time to turn the page and step into the next chapter of my life as an actor.
Over the years, acting has given me an outlet to derive deeper meaning from what might otherwise seem inconsequential. In theatre, everything has meaning, and everything has a purpose. The ability to take that truth and bring it to life on stage never ceases to amaze me. The thrill of embodying different roles and uncovering their complexities keeps me captivated, reminding me that there’s always something new to uncover in this art form.