Yorktown High School Pioneer League Special Olympics and Civic Internship by Natalie

Natalieof Yorktown Heights's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest

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Natalie of Yorktown Heights, NY
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Yorktown High School Pioneer League Special Olympics and Civic Internship by Natalie - January 2017 Scholarship Essay

I thought I heard wrong. Then I heard it again.

My classmates maliciously called their peer a “retard.” As a fourth grade student, I was frozen in disbelief at the cruel exchange I witnessed on the school bus. It was then I first learned the harsh reality that not everyone is accepting and kind towards people with disabilities. Before I could react, it was time to get off the bus. Once home, I reflected on everything that transpired and decided I would always speak my mind and take action to help those in need. And I have not stopped since.

Similar experiences to that bus ride have motivated me to become a voice for my peers with special needs. In fact, my empathy for people with disabilities began when I was just four years old. Robert, a boy in my collaborative kindergarten class with intellectual disabilities, was assigned the seat next to mine. Despite my young age, I understood Robert had special needs, and I resolved to help him in any way I could. As the year progressed, I befriended Robert and was sad that no one else did. The first time Robert disobeyed our teacher, I convinced him to complete the task requested of him. Sure enough, he listened to me - his only friend. From then on, the teacher relied on me to explain to Robert what to do, knowing he would respond to me. As a kindergartner, I simply acted with compassion to help my classmate: a trait needed to create a bond of trust imperative to cultivate any human relationship.

In high school, I began volunteering as a Special Olympics Pioneer League Team Assistant. Having played multiple sports myself, I thought it would be a great way to connect with the Special Olympics athletes. One day at practice, an athlete confided in me that other students were still bullying him; I was dumbfounded and heartbroken at this revelation. I thought my classmates would have matured past this abusive behavior. Coincidentally, later that week, I overheard some of my lacrosse teammates ridiculing the speech impediment of another student. I immediately admonished my teammates for their insensitive jokes and disrespectful actions. I never heard them ridicule that student or anyone else ever again.

Unfortunately, these experiences have shown me that not everyone shares my belief that every individual deserves to be treated with the same respect and kindness. Prompted by my belief, I am an advocate that fosters an environment where those with special needs will not be hindered by ridicule and inequality.

This year, I have chosen to complete my Civic Internship in the Life Skills program at my school, where I assist the Special Education teachers with all academic and recreational activities. Working with these students is extremely gratifying; I take pride in helping them solve a math problem and enjoy when they offer me a fist bump or high five afterwards. My personal goal is to make the students feel good about themselves and instill a sense of belonging among their fellow classmates in a motivational, positive, and safe learning environment.

As I have matured, my courage to stand up for the rights of others has strengthened. Refusing to be a passive bystander, I will forever strive to dispel negative attitudes towards people with disabilities and eliminate their mistreatment. I have zero tolerance for cruelty, especially when it occurs to those who cannot defend themselves. I have a passion for righteousness, and I set high moral standards for myself and those around me. My experiences advocating for those with special needs have taught me that I possess the ability to effectuate change. I can only make this happen through leading by example, with the hope that others will join me. With my humanitarian convictions and fortitude, I am empowered to create a world in which actions are driven by compassion and equality exists for all.
