Education is what keeps me going by rawan
rawan's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2022 scholarship contest
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Education is what keeps me going by rawan - October 2022 Scholarship Essay
Education is what changed my life! as a first generation American to very hardworking and educated parents I grew up being taught to value education no matter how hard my circumstances were. After every school year I was tempted to throw away my books with the other kids as a sign of being free but my parents would always tell me that all books should be treated as holy books and never get thrown away and to always keep them, till this day I have all my books since first grade in the basement which I go look through whenever I am feeling nostalgic. I was raised to always value education over any amount of money, and my religion values people who are educated and gives them a special category.
When I decided to pursue mt masters my life has changed completely it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life and for that I have promised my family and myself to always seek higher education, get a PHD and to help other people with the knowledge that I have, through teaching and research papers.
As the oldest sibling I take on my parents legacy to teach my siblings how important education is and hope they view it the way I did, I grew up unprivileged and education was my only way out.