My Summer in the Attic by Rebekah

Rebekahof Heber City's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest

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Rebekah of Heber City, UT
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My Summer in the Attic by Rebekah - January 2017 Scholarship Essay

I did not intend to spend my summer buried beneath several feet of disintegrating costumes, hats, and strange props, but I did. That's what happens when you join theatre—lots of random adventures. One of these schemes was to help the terrifyingly disorganized community theatre, starting with the cramped, dim, smelly attic. And we did. With Broadway and Disney tunes blaring in the background, we few teenagers spent several days cleaning and organizing the well-loved space.

While this was one of my first experiences serving with theatre, it surely wasn’t my last. Joining the theatre classes and productions in my school exposed me to the limitless potential of making a difference to my peers and community and has inspired me to change the world through uplifting friendships and volunteer performances.

The relationships I have forged in theatre have inspired me to change lives. Through theatre, I’ve been connected with people who struggle, who need help, and who can’t see their own potential. Being crammed in a disgustingly hot attic (or dance room, or stage, or dressing room), I’ve learned to love the people I work with, and I want to help them and everyone else because of that love. When I’m not onstage, I’m backstage helping people—explaining a math problem, reviewing a test, or simply listening to a cast-mate who has had a rough day. While these may not seem like life-altering projects or world-saving humanitarian help, there is underestimated value in discovering the potential in someone and empowering them to achieve their dreams.

This is also the message I perform in theatre. I don’t stand on stage because I like the attention; rather, I live on stage to inspire people with the understanding that they can do anything. I live stories on stage, and stories inspire people—there is hope in darkness, there is still true love, dreams come true, and don’t give up. These are the messages I share to inspire people.

And I share these truths everywhere I can. Our theatre productions and classes perform at elementary schools, middle schools, senior citizen centers, and local community events in our efforts to uplift and change the world. So while most people come away from our performances with catchy songs stuck in their heads, some walk away with hope in their hearts and a smile on their face. Even if only one person feels like a better person for coming, our goal has been achieved.

So how has theatre helped inspire me? I've been inspired to clean attics, love people, and sing for children. In other words, I inspire others.
