Fifty Years Forward by Rozannah

Rozannah's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2020 scholarship contest

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Fifty Years Forward by Rozannah - May 2020 Scholarship Essay

Our world is constantly changing and evolving. We went from phones being strictly business, to it being something everyone needs in order to make a living for themselves within forty years. Predicting the future seems almost impossible because of how rapidly we've been able to evolve; each year it seems something that once was deemed impossible, is now born.

Fifty years forward I imagine a world that looks like the world in 'Meet The Robinsons' maybe not transportation through bubbles or bouncy grass but with how the world is now, that doesn't seem like too far of a long shot.

I picture teaching to remain how it is now: the in-class like setting for all grades and courses with the option to be able to resume studies online or one-on-one. The way a student's schedule will be is practically personalized meaning they get to choose their classes prior to starting the new semester and they will also be able to build a daily schedule, whether it's only attending three classes one day and two the next with two online and students will have the option to place their lunch break in their day whenever they feel it's necessary. Students will have a variety of options when it comes to extra circulars meaning they'll be able to partake in their sport or club whenever they want to do it in the day (as long as it's available). A truly customizable lifestyle.

I imagine students will have this freedom in order to feel a sense of control over their lives which would cause all students to be more productive overall because they'll feel like someone else isn't telling them what to do. A struggle may be brought forth with new-learners or students who are just starting their branched educational lives because they may not be able to stick to their mapped out days or even be able to build their own days. In this case, students shall receive guidance on the building process and should stick with courses that interest them. Courses that aren't currently available to new-learners like Workshop or even Sewing will become available because becoming the best you'll ever be at something starts when you practice from a younger age and having such a variety of courses will make learning more intriguing.

Fifty years into the future learning will be remotely the same as it is now however new technological advances may be made to make the education system faster and/or more appealing. I can't predict the future, I can only imagine it. It will be beautiful
