The Real World by Samantha

Samanthaof Lexington 's entry into Varsity Tutor's June 2016 scholarship contest

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Samantha of Lexington , MO
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The Real World by Samantha - June 2016 Scholarship Essay

Throughout my years of middle school and beyond, I always thought to myself that after high school graduation, I would go straight to college. I imagined myself being enrolled at a big university or even serving in the military. There were so many opportunities to choose from, so many lifelong choices ahead.
As a lead member in color guard, I somehow managed to uphold appropriate grades, maintain a job at a local restaurant, as well as doing my part to help our team excel. I thought college would be simple as I was already an advanced scholar and athlete. As it appeared, high school was the easy part.
Graduating high school is a major accomplishment for anyone. However, after graduation I felt unsure as of where to begin. I continued working in the fast food industry until I became an independent adult. Once I was established and living on my own I became employed by the State Of Missouri as a developmental assistant.
Working in the mental health department, I have had so many experiences that have shaped the vision of my future. Everyday I learn how important a person's mental and physical health truly is. The clients that I assist everyday need continuous care. The position I hold is of major importance and I enjoy the task of helping others on a day to day basis. I hope to continue my education and further care for and treat individuals of all walks of life.
However, making a decision to continue school as an adult learner was the hardest obstacle I have ever faced. As I reminisce, I realize that after graduating I became lost in a cloud of confusion, not knowing who I was or who I wanted to be. While I watched all my fellow classmates leave our small town moving on to bigger and better things, I was stuck in a black hole of the real world. Now, I see past as a learning experience and knowledge that I can carry with me throughout all the years of my life. I have realized that people take different paths at different places and one way is not right for everyone. I have also learned that with preserverance and hard work I am capable of anything.
