Balancing Life by Sara

Saraof King of Prussia's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2016 scholarship contest

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Sara of King of Prussia, PA
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Balancing Life by Sara - April 2016 Scholarship Essay

As we are younger, we experience things for the very first time and this allows us to build who we are. There are many mistakes that we make as children and we learn off of them in either positive or negative ways.In this generation many children abuse drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are negative influences and no one should actually be addicted to these because they will effect children's studies and learning abilities. Although children might think they are cool and can socialize by the means of drugs and alcohol, instead, they actually destroy brain cells and the children's motivation to complete school work.
Balance between social life and study life is important. A lot of children want to have fun through social means but it's important to also study so that the plan for the future is complete. Children go shopping and spend their money on clothes, games and many of the things will become useless. Saving money is an important tip throughout life because it can be used to help your future. Children should spend time everyday to study and exercise because it keeps their health and studies in balance, which will help their bodies and minds at once. Children should get a job and work on studies in order to save money by receiving scholarships from colleges. It is also important to join clubs and school sports in order to help you balance school work and social interactions with other students. High school helps you build a foundation of your personality and work ethic for college work. For social interaction it is good to figure out who you are and what you like. It's good to be more outgoing and take risks and challenges to get you future in life. Learning how to make friends and interact with adults is a great foundation for future work and businesses. Students who gain an active balance between education, a healthy lifestyle and a social life will be able to easily get a job and understand the mechanics of being independent or mature.
