Dinner With Laura by Sarah

Sarahof Mound's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2016 scholarship contest

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Sarah of Mound, MN
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Dinner With Laura by Sarah - February 2016 Scholarship Essay

If I could have dinner with any historical figure, I would choose to eat with Laura Ingalls Wilder. She has always been an inspiration for me ever since I first picked up Little House in the Big Woods when I was eight. Those books sucked me into reading. When I found out that she had written her life story, that information changed me. It inspired me to write more in my diaries, which in turn enticed me want to become an author, which has been my dream since I was ten.

I would ask Laura all sorts of questions about what made her decide to publish her life story, how she went about publishing her books, how many times she got rejected before someone finally decided to be her agent. It would just be so wonderful to ask someone about the publishing process, especially someone who has had so much success in the writing industry.

I feel like I am diving into this publishing business completely blind, with nowhere to go, nowhere to look. Having the mind of Laura Ingalls Wilder help me through that process and tell me how to go about getting my books published would be a dream come true.
