#Better Self by Scott

Scottof Manassas's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2018 scholarship contest

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  • 8 Votes
Scott of Manassas, VA
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#Better Self by Scott - April 2018 Scholarship Essay

In this essay the Hashtag #Better self will be discussed and what I feel it means to the realm of education. Education is very important to me since having 5 kids and a wife all looking to make education an important part of their life.
The hashtag was chosen due to what I feel it truly means to achieve a higher education. In the society we live in today I feel that the push for kids to achieve success for themselves through a higher education has slowly fallen off. I feel by bettering ones self then that person can then better their peers by showing them what taking care of ones self by achieving a higher education leads to helping others by sharing the gained knowledge. Therefore the more people we can push to achieve a better education and share their experiences and knowledge leading to new ideas and theories being discovered and developed. I feel that if I can better myself and share with my kids the experiences that I have gained by getting a higher education I can influence their lives and their choice to get a higher education. Also by influencing my kids to achieve a better self; they will then influence their kids to achieve a better self. I also think the hashtag better self is very good one to represent what an education means to me and others because a better education can lead to a healthier life. When one is satisfied with their education and job they tend to take better care of themselves because they are happy with where they are in life. Thus a better education to me means more opportunities to be happy with life and healthier.
In conclusion the hashtag #Better Self was chosen because to me achieving a better education means that you can be much healthier in your own life. By being a better self you can then influence others to themselves be a better self.
