Finding My Passion Through My Story by Sienna

Sienna's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2025 scholarship contest

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Finding My Passion Through My Story by Sienna - February 2025 Scholarship Essay

Erinnerung; a simple word that means more to me in my native tongue than I could ever translate and explain in English. This German word merely translates to “memory,” but to me, Erinnerung is much more than that. I see it as a word that describes taking everything I have ever known, experienced, and loved and honoring it inside of me. I always wanted to keep memories of my home, family, and language around me because I greatly feared forgetting any minor detail. When I moved to America at eight years old, however, I realized that things were bound to change as I was forced to adapt to my new environment. This wake-up call came to me as I sat in class on my first day of school and watched, stunned, as my classmates stood up and recited a pledge to their flag that I had never previously heard. The realization that I could use my unique strengths to my advantage didn't come until years later, but this lifestyle change ultimately sparked the development of my character and identity and created my passion for learning about business and globalization.

It had only been a month after my parents sprung upon me the news that I would be moving from Germany to the United States. When the first day at my new school came around, I was a nervous wreck. On that first morning, my attempts to blend in with the other students were immediately shot down when I noticed that the class had stood up, turned towards the American flag mounted to the wall, placed their hands on their hearts, and recited a series of words previously unknown to me. I quickly stood up, mimicking their behavior and mouthing words to seem as though I fit in. I prayed that no one had noticed my hesitation, but was sure that it had been evident.

“One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” the class said in unison. As soon as they sat down, I followed along with them. I couldn't stop replaying these unfamiliar words in my head, nor could I imagine that I would ever be able to remember them. How could I, when I didn't even know the definition of the word “indivisible”. The following days weren’t any better, and everywhere I looked, I saw constant reminders of my differences. After a few weeks, though, things began to look up. I practiced the Pledge of Allegiance at home with my Dad until I memorized it. My mom helped me learn the names and values of different American coins by letting me pay for her daily Dunkin coffee. Though learning to fit in, the changes were hard to integrate and balance.

However, today I am sure that undergoing this huge lifestyle change at a young age prepared me for my future, allowing my own story to become the topic that sparked my passion for learning about international affairs and business. Today, I strive to bridge the gap between my two identities, German and American. Just like businesses that thrive when they trade, I have realized that I thrive when I utilize my unique strengths to my advantage and share them with others. My language proficiency and cultural understanding are helpful in international business, which is how the subject drew me in. As a first-year, first-generation student studying in Washington, D.C., a city full of opportunity, I aspire to gather as many connections, ideas, and perspectives as possible. I plan to graduate with a degree in Global Business and a minor in German language and work for a multinational firm, specifically a trans-Atlantic one. A career utilizing both my passion for business and love for language and culture will allow me to take my Erinnerung with me, wherever I go.
