Medicine Is Not Just a Career, It Is a Vocation by Susanna

Susannaof Monterey Park's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2019 scholarship contest

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Susanna of Monterey Park, CA
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Medicine Is Not Just a Career, It Is a Vocation by Susanna - February 2019 Scholarship Essay

Growing up in a low income, Vietnam War refugee household, my parents emphasized that I was fortunate enough to be born into a first world country, and that education was key. Although my mom earned minimum wage as a homecare provider for the elderly, I always admired her selflessness and knack for taking care of others. I too knew that I loved helping people, and was fascinated by the human body. I felt that I had been given healing hands, and that being in the healthcare field may have been my calling. In 2010, a college chemistry professor inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. Shortly after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree, I took up work as a disability evaluation reviewer. At the time, I was working closely with doctors, and was gaining experience in the healthcare industry. I thought I had my life all lined up, and that I would able to apply to medical schools once I took the MCAT (medical college admission test) and paid off my student loans. However, on May 7, 2015, I was involved in a car collision that changed my life forever. I sustained injuries from this car accident from what I later found out to be - two herniated disks in my neck, back strains, and right knee joint injuries that eventually led to degenerative arthritis.

From late 2015-early 2017, I received conservative treatments from various health professionals. Although my right knee pain had improved considerately, my neck and back were only getting worse. In March 2017 I learned that my arms were undergoing mild-moderate paralysis from my spinal injuries, and that I would need surgery if I wanted to improve my quality of life. If left untreated, my left hand would eventually become fully paralyzed, and my right hand would likely ensue. My ambitions suddenly came to a halt as I could no longer tolerate sitting on a desk, reading, or using a computer past my work hours. I took a medical leave from my job, and underwent cervical spinal replacement surgery in July 2017. While on bed rest for 3 months, I wondered what my life had come to, and was disappointed in myself for not being able to live up to my own expectations. Despite returning to work, I still had ongoing pain. In December 2017, additional diagnostic testing revealed residual nerve issues in my neck and arms, to which I informed that I would possibly have spinal deficits for the remainder of my life. This did not sit well with me. In my heart, I knew that medicine was my vocation; however, I needed to recover from my injuries first while still being able to make a living to support myself. Fast forward to June 27, 2018, I was laid off from my job. To my dismay, I could not understand why these things were happening to me, and struggled to find a bigger meaning in life.

For six months, I did a lot of soul searching, and self-healing. Although I was unsuccessful at finding another job, I spent far less time in front of a computer, and was able to regain back sensation and strength in my neck and arms. The pain in my neck, back, and arms substantially decreased. I traveled abroad and was able to change my entire perspective on life. As a result of my travels, I regained confidence in myself, and grew a fire inside of me that wanted to set free my greatest potential. I learned to be okay with not being okay. I realized that there is a right time and place for everything. I found happiness in the little things in life.

Thinking long and hard with what I wanted to do, I discovered that the route for medicine is not limited to just doctors; in fact -- it is also inclusive of physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Upon doing extensive research, that’s when I found out more about the Physician Assistant (P.A.) field. For Physician Assistant School, I loved the idea of going through a didactic program for the first 12 months, and then earning experience out in the field during the 2nd year alongside doctors for clinical rotations. I was excited to learn that P.A.’s still get to be exposed to various medical specialties, all the while diagnosing and treating patients. Although prerequisite courses are needed to apply for P.A. school, this is a challenge I am willing to undertake. Hence, I am currently enrolled as a full time student at East Los Angeles College, and plan to apply to P.A. school in September 2019 upon completing my prerequisites. I understand that my current financial situation, physical limitations, and living circumstances may seem rough at the moment, but I firmly believe that I am now mentally, and physically ready to pursue my dreams. I now appreciate everything that has happened to me, as it helped shape me into the person that I am today. I am more grateful than ever to have been given a second chance in life, and am optimistic for the future. In the years to come, I hope to foster resilience and positivity in my community through medicine. I look forward to restoring others back to health with love, care, and respect. I yearn to heal others and bring joy into people’s lives, just as life has done unto me.
