Bullying by Talia

Taliaof Lowell's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2017 scholarship contest

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Talia of Lowell, MA
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Bullying by Talia - March 2017 Scholarship Essay

I would like to give a speech about bullying. Bullying is a worldwide issue that has many negative effects. About 4,400 people aged 10-24 die each year from bullying and its effects. All of these people have friends and family that are affected by the bullying as well. Someone doesn’t have to be physically harmed to be bullied. People can be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually harmed by bullying. It can only take one comment or one punch to alter someone’s view upon themselves and their life in general.
Personally, I have not experienced a lot of bullying but, I have had rude comments said to me in the past. These hurtful things that were said to me hurt my feelings and momentarily made me think about myself in a negative way. But I was able to turn to my friends and family who reassured me that I should not think of myself negatively and they told me to stand up for myself next time this happens. They told me the only reason they said rude things about me is because they were jealous of what I had and they took their insecurities out on me. I listened to them and took their advice so the next time someone said something negative to me I stood up for myself and made sure they knew what they were doing was not okay. Now I know it may seem hard to stand up for yourself when you are being bullied, but their are other ways to go about stopping the bullying before it gets too bad:

Talk to a friend or a trusted adult about what is going on. It can be a parent, teacher, family member, etc.

If you can’t talk face to face with the trusted person call them or write them a letter and give it to them to read.

After you do this ask them what should you do to prevent anymore bullying incidents.

Take action and stop the bullying issue.

Bullying is such a horrendous thing that can be stopped if we all work together. If you see someone being bullied either go help the person or go get help. Don’t start or spread gossip about someone because you never know what someone is going through. There is a quote I saw in a T.V. show once and it really pertains to this topic. The quote is,” Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about be kind....always” You never know what someone is going through so instead of making fun of them or starting a rumor about them be kind and friendly. If we all do a little bit we can stop bullying in its tracks. If we stop bullying we can stop thousands of people who feel like they can’t handle the bullying anymore and end up dying from it and all the others who could be heading down the same road. So please don’t bully and if you are being bullied talk to someone to help stop the bullying.
