Future Education by Taylor

Taylor's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2020 scholarship contest

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Future Education by Taylor - May 2020 Scholarship Essay

Education is a very fluid process that has evolved over many years trying to prefect the knowledge that society is built on so that the world can be ever evolving into a better and more advanced place. From the past fifty years alone the education system has changed so much meaning an exponential change for the next fifty years. One of the ways that the education system is going to evolve is the actual material that will be taught this is because there are new inventions everyday, new discovery's, history being made, and new concepts being learned.
A fantastic example of this is mathematics classes this is because as new material is being introducing the kids are being forced to learn more complex concepts faster than what they would in past years. Fifty years ago it would have been normal for people to take calculus classes in post secondary education however it has become a concept that most teens in their late years of high school must learn. Another great example of ever changing concepts is history and government classes. This is because as the years progress there will always be more to know.
Another thing about school that will change over the next fifty years is the amount of workload that is online. Not only is It more efficient to be able to learn online it is also so much better for the environment as there are not thousands of pages being printed every school year. It will make it easier to have sick days as it does not have to be a break in your education. This will make sure that no student has to fall behind because of an event they has no control over.
Another thing that I think will change is the levels of academics to the level of extra curricular courses. I believe that over the next fifty years the level of art, music, and group sports classes will increase. I believe that if school continues focusing only the academic side education more students will be inclined to drop out because they are not able to learn what they wish to do in life this including trade jobs, artistic careers or other miscellaneous life paths that do not align with academics. Not only will the increase of extra curriculars decrease the amounts of drop outs it will also help people to find their passion in life and reduce their stress levels. I do recognize that education systems already provide some extra curriculars but it will currently end up hurting your grade point average so students are forced to quit if they wish to have high grades. This is because on a weighted scale it brings down the GPA by a whole point the way they are currently averaged and this is when you receive an A.
These are the three main things that I feel will change about the education system. I believe that the increase of difficult material will create a more educated overall society. I believe that the online aspect is already beginning to be hinted towards and will be the first thing to be implemented. Finally I believe that extra curriculars are such an important part of being a well rounded human being that once it is heavily introduced into all education systems it will be a huge benefit for all students.
