The Art of Going Out of Your Comfort Zone by Victoria

Victoriaof Elma's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest

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Victoria of Elma, WA
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The Art of Going Out of Your Comfort Zone by Victoria - December 2016 Scholarship Essay

The happiest school memory of mine to date is growing socially. From elementary school to eight grades, I was relatively shy and hardly spoke up to people unless it had to do with academics. A “typical nerd” you might say, I used comparing homework answers and books as means to start a conversation. However, the summer before my freshman year, I started dance. In dance you can’t be shy or hold back. Dance made me happier, bolder person, transforming my social and artistic skills. After that, I learned how valuable is to have the skill to speak up.
Freshman year of high school rolled around, and I quickly realized I could reap the benefits of my new-found outgoingness in the school realm as well. I realized that people go through the same thing as I do, and all you have to do is talk. Instead of waiting for someone to speak first for me, through trial and practices, I learned that I was over thinking the consequences of breaking the ice. Soon I realized sometimes you have to be the person to say something first. Doing so, resulted in many friendly experiences and prepared myself for future new experiences to come. These lessons shaped my character and helped improve my anxiety. I was able to open up to more acquaintances, have fun while creating life-long friendships that still impact me to this day. I was able to talk to my peers and teachers about more than just what was the answer to that day’s lesson, bettering my school experience also. I was much bolder and held greater offices at my school- co-secretary of Diversity Club.
Now, I still have moments of doubt and worry, but remembering all my growth, I realize they are irrational. The best I can do is try, start a new conversation. The best I can wish for a new friend or colleague, and maybe the start of a great new opportunity. I’ve realized, the world is really out there, you just have to be brave enough to reach for it.
