All SSAT Elementary Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Dictionary is to words as magazine is to __________.
A dictionary is a book that contains words, so you need to pick out an answer choice that describes what material a magazine consists of. Magazines are made up of articles, so "articles" is the correct answer.
Example Question #2 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Minute is to hour as __________.
week is to day
millisecond is to acrosecond
weekend is to weekday
century is to millennium
year is to month
century is to millennium
Both minutes and hours are units of time, with a minute being shorter than an hour. So, we need to look for an answer choice in which the first word depicts a shorter length of time than the second word. Thus, the best answer choice is "century is to millennium" because there are multiple centuries in one millennium!
Example Question #3 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Complete this analogy.
Bicycle is to handlebars as car is to __________.
cup holder
steering wheel
steering wheel
Since handlebars are the part of a bicycle which one uses to steer it, we need to pick out an answer choice that describes the part of a car used to steer it. While all the answer choices are nouns that represent parts of a car, "steering wheel" is the correct answer because one uses a car's steering wheel to steer it, just like one uses a bicycle's handlebars to steer it.
Example Question #71 : Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Month is to year as __________.
sage is to page
cow is to calf
noise is to silence
second is to minute
child is to adult
second is to minute
Months are smaller divisions of a year, so to solve the analogy, you need to pick out an answer choice in which the first answer is a smaller division of the second answer. Seconds are smaller divisions of a minute just as months are smaller divisions of a year, so "second is to minute" is the correct answer. Considering the other answer choices, a baby "cow" is called a "calf" and "cows" give birth to "calves," a "child" develops into an "adult," "sage" and "page" are words that rhyme, and "noise" and "silence" are opposites, so none of the other answer choices are related in the same way that "month" is related to "year."
Example Question #72 : Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Bicycle is to handlebars as car is to __________.
steering wheel
steering wheel
When riding a bicycle, one uses the handlebars to steer, so we need to pick out an answer choice that describes which part of a car one uses to steer when driving it. One uses the steering wheel of a car to steer it, just as one uses the handlebars of a bicycle to steer it, so “steering wheel” is the correct answer.
Example Question #4 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Complete this analogy.
Snake is to scales as tree is to __________.
Snakes are covered by scales, so to solve this analogy, you need to pick out an answer choice that describes what covers trees. Many trees are covered by bark, so "bark" is the correct answer.
Example Question #3 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
The following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.
Bear is to claw as
high is to low
water is to pool
glass is to lens
big is to small
man is to nail
man is to nail
"Claws" grow from the digits of a "bear," just as "nails" grow from the fingers of a "man."
Example Question #4 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Complete this analogy.
Guitar is to strings as piano is to ___________.
A “guitar” is an instrument, and to play a guitar, you use its “strings." To solve this analogy, you have to determine which of the answer choices is something you use to play music on a “piano.” The correct answer is therefore “keys,” since the little black and white rectangles you press on to play notes on a piano are called “keys.” To provide further help, “percussion” is another name for the group of instruments played with sticks or by shaking them in a band or orchestra.
Example Question #8 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Door knob is to door as __________.
chair is to table
water is to glass
rain is to rainbow
key is to lock
pane is to window
key is to lock
Door knobs help us to open doors, just like keys help us to open locks, so "key is to lock" is the correct answer.
Example Question #5 : Part To Whole Or Whole To Part
Complete this analogy.
Wave is to ocean as __________.
kettle is to tea
branch is to tree
ground is to dirt
bird is to nest
fly is to bird
branch is to tree
Since waves are part of oceans, we need to pick out an answer in which the first thing is part of the second thing. While "birds are to nests" might seem like a good answer, because birds are found in nests, birds are not a part of nests, so "birds are to nests" can't be the right answer. "Branch is to tree" is the correct answer because a branch is a part of a tree, like waves are a part of an ocean.
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All SSAT Elementary Level Verbal Resources