All SSAT Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Antonyms
Complete the analogy.
Straight is to winding as confident is to ________________.
"Straight" and "winding" are both descriptions and opposite in meaning. Think of a road, which can extend straight, or wind its path through hills and trees. To follow the relationship, we want a word that is an antonym of "confident." Also, confident is an adjective, so our answer should be as well. "Confident" contains the prefix "con" meaning with, and the root "fid," meaning trust (think of fidelity). So, we want a word opposite from feeling trusting.
The answer is "ambivalent" because it means to be unsure, or torn between at least two equal decisions. (The prefix "ambi" = both, the root "vale" = strength/worth.)
"Verify" (verb) means to prove or confirm the truth ("ver" = truth) of something. Doing so may help you feel confident, but it is not directly related in meaning. Also, not an adjective.
"Unequal" (adj) describes choices in terms of value. This may provide great reasons for a decision to be made confidently or not, but is not directly related.
"Meek" (adj) means shy, the opposite of bold and sure, but being shy does not necessarily mean you aren't confident in other aspects aside from your personal demeanor and verbal output.
"Victorious" (adj) describes triumph, or winning. It is not an antonym of "confident."
Example Question #201 : Synonyms, Antonyms, And Changes In Intensity
Complete the analogy.
Construct is to ___________ as bedeck is to simplify.
The complete half of the analogy shows an antonym relationship between "bedeck" (to place decorations on) and "simplify" (to make plain, simple). As these are opposites, the corresponding word to construct must also be opposite in meaning. All the words in the analogy are also verbs, indicating the answer should be as well.
The correct choice is "eradicate," which means to destroy completely. When something is "constructed," it is usually built anew. Eradication carries the same connotation of putting together or taking apart completely and totally.
"Assemble" (verb) means to put together; a synonym of construct.
"Demolition" (noun) means the act/state of destruction. While the word is a good fit, it is the wrong part of speech.
"Exterminate" (verb) means to kill. This word is similar in meaning, but is used to convey destruction towards living things (even bugs).
"Destruction" (noun) means to take apart, destroy. The word is a true antonym of construction, but is the wrong part of speech. It must be a verb to suit the word construct.
Example Question #301 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Susceptible is to immune as docile is to __________.
To begin with "susceptible" means vulnerable, likely to be harmed by and "immune" means not vulnerable, incapable of being harmed by. These two words have opposite definitions, so they are antonyms. To solve this analogy then you need to determine which of these is an antonym of "docile." "Docile" means obedient, subservient, under control. The correct antonym is "domineering" which means dominating, in control, authoritative. Additionally, "facile" means easy; "hawkish" means aggressive, desiring war; "outlandish" means unusual, bizarre and showy; "subservient" means docile, under the control of someone else.
Example Question #302 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Vindictive is to magnanimous as opulent is to __________.
"Vindictive" means bitter, spiteful, seeking revenge, refusing to forgive. "Magnanimous" means generous and forgiving, accepting in victory and defeat. These two words are antonyms of one another, so to solve this problem you are looking for the answer choice that has the opposite meaning to "opulent" which means fancy, luxurious, extravagant. The correct answer is "spartan" which means bare, lacking anything but the essentials, poor and barren. Additionally, "flustered" means overwhelmed and confused; "perfidious" means disloyal; "impressionable" means naive and innocent, easily misled; "awry" means amiss, 'out of place'.
Example Question #303 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
__________ is to vital as composed is to undisciplined.
The adjective "composed" means calm and under control, whereas the adjective "undisciplined" means not under control, badly behaved. These two words are antonyms of one another so to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these answer choices is an antonym of "vital." The adjective "vital" means essential, needed. Therefore, the correct answer is "superfluous" which means not needed, not essential, not required, unnecessary. Additionally, "episodic" means occurring in regularly repeating patterns, occurring in episodes; "didactic" means instructional, educational; "manifold" means diverse, varied.
Example Question #304 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Adulterate is to decontaminate as verify is to __________.
To "adulterate" something means to make something impure. To "decontaminate" something means to make something pure again, to make something no longer contaminated. As such, these two words are antonyms. Which of these answers is an antonym of "verify" (prove is true)? The correct answer is "debunk" which means prove is untrue. All of the other answer choices are all also antonyms of "debunk" and synonyms of "verify."
Example Question #305 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Maladroit is to deft as __________ is to immaterial.
To begin with "maladroit" means not skilled and "deft" means skilled, so these to words are antonyms. To solve this problem you therefore need to determine which of these answer choices is an antonym of "immaterial." "Immaterial" means unimportant, not significant given the circumstances. The correct answer is therefore "pivotal" because this word means of fundamental importance, of great significance. Additionally, "opaque" means not transparent, not allowing light to pass through; "extenuating" means excusable, (of circumstance) make seem less serious; "blissful" means very happy; "blithe" means indifferent, showing a casual and inappropriate lack of concern for something.
Example Question #306 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Florid is to unadorned as salubrious is to __________.
To begin with "florid" means ornate, excessively decorated, adorned. So, "florid" and "unadorned" are antonyms of one another. The correct answer then must be an antonym of "salubrious" which means beneficial, healthy. So, the correct answer is "unhealthy." Additionally, "satiated" means satisfied.
Example Question #307 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
__________ is to emotional as empirical is to theoretical.
To begin with "empirical" means based on evidence or observation and "theoretical" means based on theory, not based on evidence. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these answer choices is an antonym of "emotional." The correct answer is "stolid" which means showing little emotion, impassive, dispassionate. All the other answer choices are very loosely synonyms, they all pertain to being overly emotional, enthusiastic, or invested in a cause. They are all antonyms of "stolid."
Example Question #308 : Analogies: Determining Meaning From Type Of Relationship
Complete this analogy.
Slipshod is to meticulous as terminus is to __________.
To begin with "slipshod" means careless, lacking attention or consideration. Whereas, "meticulous" means excessively careful, paying close attention to detail. These two words are antonyms because they have the opposite meaning. So, to solve this analogy you need to determine which of these words has the opposite meaning to "terminus." The "terminus" is where something ends, so you are looking for answer choice that means something like where something begins, the point of origin. The correct answer is therefore "genesis." Additionally, an "autocrat" is a ruler who has absolute power, a tyrant; "megalomania" is an obsession with power and control; a "gala" is a festival, a formal party; an "iota" is an exceedingly small amount of something.
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