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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : General Knowledge And Recognition
The ninth month of the year is _________________.
This is a simple calendar knowledge question. September is the ninth month of the year, preceded by August, the eighth month of the year, and followed by October, the tenth month of the year.
Example Question #1 : Wonderlic
How many days will elapse between the beginning of July 7 and the beginning of September 7?
July has 31 days, so 31 days will pass from the beginning of July 7 to the beginning August 7; August has 31 days, so 31 more days will pass to the beginning of September 7. This makes a total of 62 days.
Example Question #2 : Wonderlic
In the following list, each value of is calculated from its value of
the same way. Fill in the blank.
is calculated from
by taking the square of
, then affixing a negative symbol in front if and only if
is odd. Therefore, to get the
that corresponds to
, first, square 5:
Next, affix a negative symbol in front to make it , the correct answer.
Example Question #2 : Simple Number Function Recognition
A sequence begins as follows:
What number will replace the circle?
The sequence of numbers is formed by starting with 5, and, for each consecutive term, adding a quantity that begins with 3 and doubles each time. The sequence is:
- the number that replaces the square;
- the number that replaces the circle.
Example Question #3 : Wonderlic
Wilson Ramos AND Wilson Ramos
Dr. Kevin Banks AND Dr. Kevin Banks
D'Angelo Wilson AND DAngelo Wilson
DeMarcus Crossly AND DeMarcus Crossly
How many of the given pairs are exact duplicates of one another?
All of these pairs of names are duplicates, with the exception of "D'Angelo Wilson and DAngelo Wilson." Oe of these names includes an apostrophe and the other does not.
Example Question #4 : Wonderlic
Examine the following ten names. How many pairs of exact duplicates are there?
Wiles, Andrew
Newton, Issac
Turing, Alan
Bowen, Rufus
Rudin, Mary
Turing, Alan
Bown, Rufus
Willes, Andrew
Newton, Issac
Ruddin, Mary
The names are rearranged in alphabetical order, by last name.
The duplicated names appear in boldface:
Bowen, Rufus
Bown, Rufus
Newton, Issac
Newton, Issac
Rudin, Mary
Ruddin, Mary
Turing, Alan
Turing, Alan
Wiles, Andrew
Willes, Andrew
The correct response is two.
Example Question #5 : Wonderlic
How many of these pairs of words are exact duplicates?
1) quadrilateral AND quadriateral
2) obtuse AND obtuse
3) isosceles AND isoseles
4) circumference AND circumference
5) radian AND radian
The exact matches are in boldface; the unmatched words are noted, with their difference:
1) quadrilateral AND quadriateral
["l" is missing from the second word]
2) obtuse AND obtuse
[exact match]
3) isosceles AND isoseles
["c" is missing from the second word]
4) circumference AND circumference
[exact match]
5) radian AND radian
[exact match]
The correct response is three.
Example Question #1 : Logical Conclusions Given Two True Statements
1. All writers live in fear of a lonely, penniless death.
2. I live in fear of a lonely, penniless death.
3. I am a writer.
If the first two statements are true, is the third statement true, false, or uncertain?
There is not enough information given to say if the third statement is true. The relationship between the two sentences is only directly true in one direction, namely that all writers live in fear of a lonely penniless death. It does NOT hold that all people who live in fear of a penniless death are, by definition, writers. It is possible that the speaker is a writer, but the logic of the statement's does not necessitate that this is so.
Example Question #1 : Verbal Logic
All ducks like oranges.
Fluffy does not like oranges.
Is Fluffy a duck?
Suppose Fluffy is a duck. Then by the first statement, Fluffy must like oranges. But by the second statement, Fluffy hates oranges, so this would be a contradiction. Therefore, Fluffy cannot be a duck.
Example Question #4 : Wonderlic
William was reluctant at first, but he eventually acquiesced to our request.
Select the word that best reflects the meaning of the underlined word.
Enthusiastically agreed
None of these
To "acquiesce" to a request is to "agree" or give in to that request. There is no specific element of the word's meaning that indicates this agreement is enthusiastic, and the context of this sentence actually counter-indicates that reading.
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