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Example Questions
Example Question #131 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
What was the Stamp Act of 1765?
Tax for seal on official documents
Declared Martial Law in the Colonies
Tax on sugar and molasses
Forced the colonies to buy goods only from Britain
Tax for seal on official documents
The Stamp Act was another tax placed on the colonies of the British Empire. In order for a document to be stamped by a notary and made official, a tax had to be paid to the crown.
Example Question #132 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
What was the aim of the Tea Act of 1773?
To place a tax stamp on official documents
To place a tax on sugar and molasses
To force the colonies to buy goods only from Britain
To declare Martial Law in the Colonies
To force the colonies to buy goods only from Britain
The Tea Act was meant to aide the failing East India Trading Company, which had massive overstocks of tea and other goods in London. Parliament therefore banned the sale of these goods from any other source. While this actually drove down the price of these goods in the colonies, the colonists resented the British attempting to regulate their economy in this way.
Example Question #133 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
What did the Intolerable Acts of 1774 accomplish?
Forced the colonies to buy goods only from Britain
Tax on sugar and molasses
Tax for seal on official documents
Declared Martial Law in the Colonies
Declared Martial Law in the Colonies
The Intolerable Acts were a series of acts of Parliament that were meant to bring the unruly colonies back in line. The colonies were very rapidly pushing back against British rule and ignoring British authority, and therefore the Parliament felt it needed to declare martial law in order to restore order.
Example Question #133 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
To what was the so-called Boston Tea Party a response?
The Sugar Act
The Tea Act of 1773
The Intolerable Acts
The Stamp Act
The Tea Act of 1773
The Boston Tea Party was organized as a response to the Tea Act. The Sons of Liberty meant it as a protest against the British attempt to control the economy of the Colonists by banning them from buying goods from nations other than Britain.
Example Question #134 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
What is Imperialism?
A stronger nation dominating a weaker one
A nation claiming colonies
A nation declaring itself an empire
A nation invading another
A stronger nation dominating a weaker one
While commonly associated with a nation taking military action against another, Imperialism can mean an assortment of things a nation does to dominate another without having to take direct military action.
Example Question #135 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Which of the following is not a way a strong imperial nation can dominate a weaker one?
Diplomatically is the correct answer here. Diplomacy would allow the weaker nation some say in the process of what is happening. However, in the rest of these examples the stronger nation can simply force the weaker one to bend to its will.
Example Question #136 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Which war gave the United States power over the Philippines?
The Spanish-American War
The War of 1812
The Sino-Japanese Conflict
World War I
The Hundred Years War
The Spanish-American War
Though it began as a fight over Spanish control in the Caribbean, the Spanish-American War extended to the Pacific where American forces drove Spain out of the Philippines, effectively destroying the Spanish Empire. Originally intending to aid the Philippine fight for independence, the end result was American control of the island nation.
Example Question #137 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Which of the following was not an effective of widespread imperialism and modernization in the 19th century?
Preservation of tribal territories
Weakening of regional governments
Improvements in literacy due to the spread of missionaries
Discouraging of traditional cultural practices
Widespread conversion to Christianity
Preservation of tribal territories
With the spread of Western cultural and political influence many traditional territories were broken up by competing European powers. Most notably, the Berlin Conference broke up the African continent into arbitrary territories that ignored the local tribal boundaries and conflicts.
Example Question #1033 : Ap World History
What is it called when a colony is directly administered by the imperialists?
Indirect Rule
Direct Rule
Absolute Rule
Direct Rule
When a colonizer directly administers a colony it is called direct rule. This is because the colonial power takes over all systems of government for the colony.
Example Question #316 : Political History
What is it called when a colony is given a degree of internal autonomy?
Indirect Rule
Direct Rule
Ancillary colony
Indirect Rule
When a colony is under indirect rule it means that the colonizing government has not taken over all aspects of the government of the colony. This means that the colony is free to make certain decisions without consulting the colonizing power.
All AP World History Resources