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Example Questions
Example Question #1034 : Ap World History
Which of the following highly sought after natural resources was found in the South Africa Colony in 1867?
Diamonds have become synonymous with Africa. The continent is rich with them, but they had not been discovered there until the mid-1800's, when a mine in South Africa found a large deposit of diamonds.
Example Question #141 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Large deposits of what precious metal were found in the South Africa Colony in 1886?
While there were many gold rushes in American history, there was never a truly large amount of gold in the United States. South Africa, however, is gifted with an abundance of it. This gold, along with the diamonds discovered 20 years earlier, made the British Empire incredibly wealthy, as South Africa was still part of the British Empire then.
Example Question #1041 : Ap World History
In 1867, Britain successfully brought together the various parts of Canada to form a federation. This prompted them to attempt the same with what is now South Africa, but this region was filled with several independent nations.
In 1879 British forces invaded the Zulu Kingdom in an attempt to bring it into a South African Federation. What was this conflict called?
The South African Expedition
Anglo-Zulu War
War of the Federation
The Boar War
Anglo-Zulu War
When Britain invaded the Zulu Kingdom, they sparked the Anglo-Zulu War. The Zulu were able to win several victories early in the conflict, but thanks to their superior technology and numbers, the British eventually won the war. This British victory led to the annexation of the Zulu Kingdom into the South African Colony.
Example Question #1042 : Ap World History
What was the result of the Anglo-Zulu War?
Zulu Kingdom Victory
None of these answers is accurate.
British Victory
British Victory
While the Zulu proved to be much fiercer opponents than originally thought, the British did eventually win. The Zulu won many early engagements thanks to their speed of movement and expert use of the terrain to ambush the British; however, the superior firepower of the British eventually led to victory in pitched battles.
Example Question #1043 : Ap World History
Following the British victory over the Zulu Kingdom, to what other group did the British turn their attention?
The Natal
The Basuto
The Boer
None of these answers is accurate.
The Boer
The Boers were the next target of the British Empire following the Anglo-Zulu War. The British were driving farther inland to lay claim to regions that had resisted them since their claiming of land at the Berlin Conference in 1884.
Example Question #1044 : Ap World History
What nationality were the Boers descended from?
Despite being born and raised in Africa, the Boers were actually Dutch by heritage. Their ancestors were traders based in ports along the eastern coast of what is now South Africa. They were stationed there as part of their service in the Dutch East India Trading Company. However, when the British came along and took over the region these Dutch settlers were forced to flee inland to escape the British, where they formed two nations, The Orange Free State, and Transvaal.
Example Question #142 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Which of the following is not way in which the Industrial Revolution helped precipitate the rise of imperialism?
The Industrial Revolution created a need for raw materials
The Industrial Revolution created a need for cheap labor
The Industrial Revolution created the technological ability for European nations to dominate African and Asian nations
The Industrial Revolution created a need for new markets
The Industrial Revolution created the technological ability for European nations to dominate African and Asian nations
European nations had the technology to dominate the nations of Africa and Asia for centuries by the time the Industrial Revolution happened. The Industrial Revolution simply made dominating them easier. What it did do was to make Europe need more raw materials to make their goods, and need people to sell those goods to.
Example Question #1043 : Ap World History
At what conference did the leaders of Europe meet to carve up Africa?
Paris Conference
Amsterdam Conference
Berlin Conference
Congress of Vienna
Berlin Conference
The major powers of Europe met in Berlin in 1884 to decide which nations would gain the right to rule which parts of Africa. This conference was meant to keep the European nations from fighting each other and focused on colonizing the various parts of Africa.
Example Question #1046 : Ap World History
Which of the following was not an excuse that Europe used to justify their Imperialist methods of control and subjugation over African countries?
The "White Man's Burden"
Social Darwinism
Suppression of the slave trade
Creation of stable governments there
Creation of stable governments there
Europe had no interest in creating stable governments in Africa. Rather, they wanted to impose their own governments on the people of Africa. They did, however, say that it was the duty of white men to rule over people of color since they felt themselves superior to them. They also claimed they were doing good by attempting to stop the slave trade in Africa and the transatlantic slave trade.
Example Question #1047 : Ap World History
Prior to imperialist intervention Africa's population was primarily concentrated in ____________.
All other answers, Africa had an extremely varied population centers prior to imperialist intervention.
Large cities
Small villages
Tribal nomads
All other answers, Africa had an extremely varied population centers prior to imperialist intervention.
Africa had a very varied and complex layout. There were large cosmopolitan cities as well as many small villages, and tribal nomads. There was no one unifying culture in Africa, but many different people and ethnicities within the continent.
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